
Friday, March 9, 2012

Oh, No ... This Could Be Trouble

Ruby and I were out earlier today, dropping the painted game table and some other things at my antique booth and running other assorted errands.  One of our stops was at Reigning Cats and Dogs, a shop in Culpeper, to get Ruby a tag collar of her very own ... basic black, to match her shiny black fur.  Another stop was closer to home, at Spotsylvania Towne Centre, to go to Michael's to get some yarn.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw this ...

What was once a Haverty's store in front of the mall is now going to be HomeGoods.  I love HomeGoods, and it's a good thing that the closest one to me is an hour away ... that way I can only go there a couple of times a year, and usually it's because I'm looking for something specific. 

Heaven help me when this new one opens.


  1. I drove by there today also, and saw the sign, and thought YES! But I too will be in trouble when it's FUN! :-)

  2. UH-OH! Take one of your pups with you in the car. That way you know that you can only be in the store for a few minutes because they are trapped in the car waiting for you!;>) xo Diana

  3. Oh man ! Wish I had one near me .

  4. I have one 30 mins away and I try to avoid it or boy would I be in trouble. Enjoy! :)

  5. i read about this a few weeks ago! i'm very excited, to say the least. now i'm keeping my fingers crossed for a trader joes!!!

  6. Oh-oh is right, Connie! You lucky girl!!!

    Wallet-Damage-Alert!!!!! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  7. Uh oh...hide that credit card! ;-)

    Kat :)

  8. I went to one last weekend with my daughter-she is good at finding fun things for me to do when I travel to the big city for an overnight stay.♥♫

  9. Mine is 20 minutes away, and I think I'm in there once a month.

    I would have bet on a red collar for Ruby. I might just send you

  10. Mine is about 10 minutes away, and since I'm not working during the week right now I find myself in there WAY too much (especially since I'm not working!). I'm with Karen on the collar--Mosby has a red bandana one that's striking against his black coat. :) Hope Ruby's adjusting well.

  11. We have a HomeGoods and I'm always thinking how great that place is. :)

  12. I used to be 10 mins away from 2 Homegoods, but not any more. Now it is over an hour away away....oh well....I can't have it all. Have fun at the Grand Opening!~Hugs, Patti

  13. OMG.. are you freaking kidding me! I adore Home Goods and still suffering withdrawals since moving away from the one in Columbia, Maryland in 2004. Seriously, I LOVE their stuff.


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