
Monday, March 26, 2012

It's a Cat Thing

I use a lemon box from Costco to store and transport small items to my booth at the antique mall.  Dorothy thinks that this is a great cat playhouse.

While she was in there, she tried for a long time to pull the little plastic package of string tags through the ventilation hole in the bottom of the box.

I'm not sure what people without cats do for entertainment.


  1. Cats are like kids! They like boxes too! How cute! My cat, Hobbes, hides in a large basket... I call it his "bunker" because he will jump out and attack from there.
    You gave me a big smile today with your "cat mischief"!

  2. LOL.. we hope for a blog like yours to enlighten and entertain :-)

  3. I suppose those of us without cats watch Maru, which is the reason he is so successful. If not a box, then you must have a paper bag:-)

  4. I agree that cats are great entertainment. Charlie was chasing his tale the other night which he hasn't done in years. I was laughing so made my day. Hugs, Linda

  5. Cats are hilarious! Dorothy is so cute.

  6. Ha! This makes me laugh because mine do the same! I love watching them play and get into things, it is better than most tv shows now days. :)

  7. Ah, but watching yours sure saves my allergies!

  8. OMGOSH! That made me giggle. It also makes me really miss having a kitty around- xo Diana

  9. LOLOL! Oh my gosh -- these pics brought such a smile to my face! How I miss having younger kitties around, Connie! My two girls are pretty old and don't play any longer. They're happy just to lay in the sunshine and snooze the day away. Your sweet Dorothy is just a hoot! :)

    xoxo laurie

  10. Too cute! Looks like the perfect toy for a cat. I can't believe someone hasn't patented it for sale at Petco!

  11. Love these photos. My dad has two cats and with all the stress in his life right now with mom in a nursing home - the cats have saved his sanity. And they are full of fun. Plus, they really cuddle up to him when he's down.


  12. LOL. Cat are just cats! Always into something and in the middle of everything! How cute.

  13. Hi Connie, I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your blog, it makes me smile;)
    Thank you,

  14. lol! I love it..It's cute, funny and entertaining. Cats are in a class all by themselves when it comes to making us laugh and giving us an entertaing show.

  15. Hi Connie,

    Love it! Carmen spent 30 minutes chasing her tail while inside a mesh laundry bag. Do they really not know it is THEIR tail???

    Great post to begin my day

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  16. Gotta love Dorothy! Too cute. Mine aren't that playful any more (but they do still have their moments with catnip!)

  17. People without cats laugh at their dogs. We laugh at ours daily.... they don't fit into boxes though. LOL

  18. Sometimes, we just spend a whole evening letting them entertain us!
    Our "new toy" for them is one of those 12-pack soda boxes. Entrance on the front, with a hole in the middle (where you grab the 12-pack with your hand)throw in a jingle ball..and they play for hours!
    Thanks for your sweet kitty post :)
    xo, misha

  19. How cute! Cats certainly are entertaining! I woke up this morning, and my cat had gotten into a bag of yarn. She took the end piece in her mouth and drug it throughout the entire house, unraveling the yarn the whole way. I woke up to a maze! What goes on in their heads?

  20. Donna, our Cindy used to do somethng almost exactly like that, too! She would carry a ball of yarn in her mouth to the top of the stairs and kick it to the bottom. Sometimes, it would go out the balusters, she'd paw it around on the floor, and she'd carry it back to the top again. Some mornings, it looked as if she'd been weaving ... with yarn in and out through the balusters ... and strung up and down the stairs.


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