
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Basye's Purple

The weather this week is practically perfect ... sunny, 80 degrees, light breeze .... my, my my.  My energy level is high, and I am motivated to see how much pruning I can get done.  While working in the Rugosa section of the Rose Field, I made a weird discovery.

(Photo from last year.)

'Basye's Purple' is a rose that I look forward to every year.  It has reddish-brown bark, blue-green foliage, and beautiful velvety maroon-purple flowers.  As I was cutting off some small rogue canes, I noticed that 'Basye's Purple' has purple wood, too.

(Photo from this morning.)

On an unrelated subject ... how about those thorns?


  1. I never noticed my Basye's was purple on a cut surface...but then again I lost it after the first year. What's more amazing to me is that it is already blooming in Zone 5.

  2. It's a beauty and what a nice discovery to see that it's wood is also purple! Very neat.

  3. Those thorns will rip you apart. I have some battle wounds from my roses, only have a few more to trim!!! This weather is almost too warm, I feel like we are going to get slammed. :) Happy pruning!

  4. Wowsers! Those are some monster thorns!

  5. Those thorns look vicious! Pretty rose, love the purple stems, but those thorns are making me cringe from here!

  6. I so appreciate your flower knowledge as I'm so illiterate in that area. I can't even remember alot of the flowers I plant in my flower bed! That's bad, huh?
    Those thorns are so wicked looking. And the purple wood is really neat. I've never seen 'colored' wood before.

  7. That is a gorgeous color and so velvet-like in the photo.

  8. Ugh---- the thorns are a killer!! I'm so looking forward to seeing your beautiful flower photos in a few months! ( I know it's such a lot of work though!!)



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