
Saturday, February 11, 2012

How To Identify Your Silver Pattern

Last Friday, Janet and I met up and went to the Groundhog Sale at the Old Lucketts Store.  Lucketts is always a great place to shop, but it gets even better when they pull out all the stops for their Groundhog Sale ... adding merchandise in tents outside and marking down the prices for the weekend to terribly tempting levels.

While we were shopping outside, we came across a vendor with a table full of old mismatched silverplate flatware ... a particular weakness of mine.  At $1 per piece, it was too tempting and we dug in.  I hunt for floral designs (especially ROSES) and pieces that are monogrammed.  There were a lot of both on this table.

'Signature' 1950 ... 'Louis XVI' 1911...  unmarked (but with a really cool monogram).

When we finished digging, I had a cake server and a double handful of forks and spoons.  I gave the man a $20, he handed me some change, and both of us were happy.

When I got home, my curiousity got the better of me, and I began to search the Internet for a way to identify the patterns.  I already have a big collection of silverplate (for feeding folks when we have large parties ... I detest plastic silverware), and these newest additions made me more curious than ever to identify what I have.

These are a few of the patterns that I bought at Lucketts.  We'll get their identities below.

After searching for a while, I found the most wonderful web site!!  It's so helpful that I have to pass it along so all of you can use it too.

If you can read the maker's mark on the back of your flatware, you can most likely identify the pattern using this site.  I set to work, and had the most wonderful few hours with a magnifying glass reading maker's marks, comparing patterns ... and I eventually identified almost all of the patterns in my collection.

'Princess Louise' 1880 ... 'Rosalie' 1938

'Bradford' 1915 ... 'Heraldic' 1916

'Cotillion' 1932 ... 'Royal Rose' 1939

'New Century' 1898 ... 'Signature' 1950

Now that I have identified most of the patterns in my collection, I'm not exactly sure what I can actually DO with the information.  It's not like I will search out more pieces in any given pattern, because the idea is to have a pleasing array of mixed patterns.  All I really accomplished was to waste a bit of time one afternoon, and to learn a lot about silverplated flatware.

When Janet and I had finished at the Groundhog Sale, and after I dropped her (and her treasures) at her house, I realized that she accidently left her silverware behind.  I will give it to her when I see her later this morning ... when she reads this, I'll bet she goes online to identify the patterns.

Thanks for wasting part of your day with me!


  1. I love old flatwear like this.You picked some great pieces. Thanks for sharing the website.

  2. Have you ever seen bracelets made from old forks? I LOVE them!

  3. I'm going to spend some time at this site as I have my Grandmother's Gorham(sp?) and want to discover the name of that pattern. I'm excited! Thanks for sharing.♥♫

  4. Oh I love this story-- what a great trip into history to do the research for these patterns. Don't you wish these old pieces of flat wear could talk and tell their story? I love the patterns you purchased-- mismatched silver is one of my weaknesses!

  5. Thank you for that website. I have a few pieces that I will try to identify. Did you raid your girlfriend's "stash" to see if she had anything you wanted before you gave her the pieces she left behind?;>) xo Diana

  6. Sounds like my
    kind of day AND
    my kind of sale!
    I love vintage silver
    and have been
    collecting spreaders,
    since we go through
    them like crazy every
    day. Love finding
    monograms, especially!

    xx Suzanne

  7. I have some hand me down silver I would love to identify so I will be going to this site. Thanks for sharing! Love all the silver you has history. It's one of the reasons I love old/vintage/antique. Hugs, Linda

  8. Favorited that sight, good place to hangout on a cold/wet day. I had fun hanging out with you two ladies today! We all (you two especially) came away with some the magic begins!!! :) donna

  9. I'm always looking for old engraved silverware and serving pieces. I jotted down that information. I think that bit of history searching is fun. Thanks for the tip. Those are really pretty pieces you purchased.

  10. I did the same thing one day with some pieces I had. Love the rose designs you pick up. Fun post.

  11. Would never ever call it wasting. You learn something new every day.

  12. Hey Connie,

    You bet I will researching my new pieces along with the dozens of pieces I already own. Like you I detest plastic cutlery.
    I actually use my good silver as my everyday silverware. One day I thought.."if silver is for special occasions, then what is more special than any meal with your family?"
    Out came the real stuff and we have used it ever since. I love the look and feel of it and the patterns are beautiful.
    I am looking forward to doing some research on my silver with this site...thank you for sharing this.
    I had a great time at Lucketts and have the fun was digging through all that was on that table!

    See you soon (Mr. Secret Agnet said I could play with you again)

    janet xox


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