
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just Like the Princess and the Pea

Our cleaning lady comes here every other Tuesday.  Today was that day, and the place gets almost turned upside down as she works, moving and cleaning everything. 

Daniel sometimes gets a bit anxious with all of the upheaval.  It especially bothers him when his dog beds get vacuumed and piled in the middle of the family room floor.  He does what he can to make the best of the situation.

There he is, trying to get comfortable on top of a pile of FOUR dog beds in the midst of the cleaning-lady chaos.  (with his squeekie football, his fluffy dog bone, and his cow ear that she ALSO piled onto the beds.)

Poor Daniel!


  1. Hahaha... he looks quite comfy!

  2. Awwwwww...he is so cute! He is making sure no one touches his beds! ~Patti

  3. Awwww. The prince and the pea is what he looks like to me. LOL Love this shot of him.

  4. What a sweet face he has. Nice to have so many clean beds.

  5. That was a laugh out loud--thanks for posting that :)

  6. LOL....the prince and the pea! Hopefully all is back to normal! Have a great day!!! Donna :)

  7. Morning Connie,

    Poor Daniel!!! He has that deer in the headlight look!

    I'm jealous that you have a cleaning lady ;-<

    Prince and the Pea indeed!

    janet xox

  8. LOL.. now that's funny. And, does Daniel have a bed in every room? He's more spoiled han mine.

  9. He is so pretty! I love this picture! Poor Daniel, change is hard for some. hugs, Linda

  10. That is precious! What a sensitive heart he has...You, too!
    Loved this post :)
    xo, misha

  11. Oh, too funny! He probably wonders why this guest insists on cleaning every time she comes!

  12. I love this picture! Guarding all is beloved items! When our cleaner comes, our poor kitty races from room to room fearing anything that moves on the floor. And if you want to keep him out of any space, just sit the vacuum cleaner in the area.

  13. That picture is adorable.



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