
Monday, January 9, 2012

DC Big Flea ... A Pack of Bloggers at the Antique Show

Saturday's DC Big Flea was fabulous!  It was even better because I shared it with two like-minded bloggers who live nearby ... Janet (The Empty Nest), Deborah (Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie), and Deb's friend Mary.  We met at 9am so we could be there when the doors opened, and we spent nearly all day shopping, talking, and having a wonderful time.

This small bench was so cute ... ideas, maybe?

I loved the finish on the wooden drawer cubbies.  I'm such a sucker for cubbies.

Janet had never been to the DC Big Flea before.  Deborah had, but it had been a long time.

The finish on this green cupboard was incredible!

The price on this oak jelly cupboard was great, and I would have bought it for a spot I have in mind in our dining room .. but it was a bit too wide.  Rats!!

Normally when I go to this show alone, I can get through the hundreds of booths pretty quickly.  I know what I like and what I shop for, and I tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit the pattern.

I loved this child's toy dresser.

I saw this Dutch Boy sign, and I began to wonder how large the 100-lb keg of white lead was.

Shopping with three other people slowed things down considerably ... but in a good way.

Another great example of a worn paint finish.

French mail bags, and pillows made from antique fabric.

Each of us spent time shopping through each other's eyes ... sifting through booths that we probably would have overlooked if we weren't there with someone else.

This restored trunk was fantastic ... you already know that I have a 'thing' for trunks.

I love everything in this photo!  The rope bed, the zinc planter, the turquoise bench, and the antique woven carpet ... yum!

For example, I used to shop for antique linens ... but I stopped doing that years ago, and I probably would have skipped those booths if I was by myself.  Janet makes wonderful aprons from antique textiles, and we dug through the items at all of the booths that had tablecloths, napkins, etc.

Someone took a beautiful early-to-mid 1800's rope bed and made a bench out of it.  There are plenty of wreck beds to use for this ... ruining this original one made me a little sick.

I could pretend that this is my sister and me smiling as we lean out the window of our rose-covered cottage ... it really could be us, because I'm a brown-eyed brunette and she's a blue-eyed blonde.

This trunk gave me an idea for something to do with a foot-locker that I have already.  Stay tuned.

One of the most amazing booths we saw was totally packed with hundreds of antique chocolate molds.  The owner talked to us about the history of chocolate molds, and showed us how to date them and care for them.  (I have one of a pig in a flower patch that sits on top of my stove.)

You KNOW I had to take a photo of the greyhound chocolate molds.  These are rare and in exceptional condition, and the prices reflected this.  $600+ for EACH of them.  Wow!!

Janet, Deborah, and I paint and resell furniture.  It's cool because all three of us have distinctly different styles.  I found myself studying and photographing painted items at the show so I could save them for later to study their finish.

Flaking black and grey paint on this cabinet.

Layers of cream and green on this Shenadoah Valley quilt shelf.

Turquoise paint peeling off of this grain-painted door.

I actually bought a few things this time.  The red rose tablecloth may end up in a project (not sure yet).  I already have plans for the tin crown molding and the feed sack.  The silver-plate spoons and forks ($1 apiece) are to pad my collection of silverware that I use for parties.  (I do not like to eat with plastic utensils!)  The metal greyhound thing?  It's another addition to my already-out-of-control collection of greyhound items.

We finished with the show at 2:00, and we were starving by that time, so we went next door to Three Amigos (a Mexican/Salvadorean restaurant) for lunch.  (I had chichen enchiladas that were SO good ... I practically licked the plate.)  We probably could have stayed there eating and chatting forever ... these are really, REALLY lovely women to spend time with.  (I like their blogs, so I was certain that I would like them in person, too.)

Thank you Janet, and Deborah, and Mary!!  Our day together was so much fun!  We will definitely plan to get together again ... soon. 

The Fredericksburg Big Flea is in February 4th & 5th... is anyone interested?

(The finalists in the Best of 2011 DIY contest were announced this morning, and my greenhouse wasn't one of them.  I'm bummed.)


  1. what fun!! i considered heading up that way this weekend, but the draw of football on tv won. :oX there was an auction at the fairgrounds in f'burg that i didn't bother going to either! next long as none of my teams are playing...count me in! :o)

  2. If I was on the east coast, I would definitely go shopping with you guys.

  3. That greenhouse is the best thing I've seen all year on blogs. Wish I could issue awards. You'd have won!

  4. Looks like you had a great time. It is different going to a big flea like that with others. You do view things differently! I am so sad that your Greenhouse didn't make the cut. It should have! hugs, Linda

  5. What a great time and so many treasures! I love spending time with great friends shopping, eating and just chatting. Thanks for sharing your great day with us.

  6. It was a good show this time, Bob and I were there when it opened and zoomed through and on our way home around noon with our treasures!!! I looked for you, but didn't see you...I must have zigged when you zagged! :) Donna

  7. Ok everyone...I don't know what Connie is talking about...I had the worst BORING time with these three ladies!

    JUST was THE BOMB as Randy Jackson from American Idol would say!!!!
    We had so much fun...picking through boxes of silver..tables of vintage linens and lusting after chippy old doors and benches. I brought home a wonderful little buffet table to give the Annie Sloan treatment to.

    Loved meeting Deb and Mary. Most definitely count me in for Fredericksburg !

    sorry your greenhouse was not the winner, but it is in our hearts!

    Until then....

    janet xox

  8. Oh what fun! Look at all those treasures, if only I were closer! Looks like a fantastic flea market, will add it to my must-visit when I'm in DC it!!

  9. It sounds like you had a lot of fun, and there were certainly many wonderful pieces there.

  10. It sounds like you gals had a bsll! I can't believe all the things you saw- what eye candy!

    I am bummed for you that you didn't place in the DIY thing- Wow...well, you win MY vote for the best of the best~ xo Diana

  11. I'm drooling over the photos and obvious enjoyment you ladies had. I have a question, is that an overlarge horseshoe, or small stuff surrounding it?

  12. Dear Connie, I so much enjoyed visiting the flea market with you and your friends, if only vicariously. I think 'antiquing' is one of the most fun ways to spend a day, and more so with like-minded companions. Saw a couple of things in your pics that I might have been tempted to buy ...
    P. x

  13. You did win in my book. Your greenhouse is awesome! Also, don't laugh, I must be very tired, but when I saw FLEA, I thought of dogs! Then I read and was slightly green!♥♫

  14. Wow Connie,

    Looks like a great time! The first photo while you pointed out a great small bench, Art and I saw the multitudes of Wade little statuary you find in the Red Rose Tea Bags boxes. They have been including them inside the boxes for years. His daughter in Hood River Oregon is quite the collector. How I wish I had been with you! Totally enamored with the red rose tablecloth! Great girls time sounds like to me!

  15. Sorry that your greenhouse didn't make it. :( But I am glad you had such a good time. Of course, I figured you would, and I'm glad you let us in on some of the highlights.

  16. Oh my, I definitely could have spent hours at the flea market. So many things that I don't see where I live!! And I'm sure you got some great ideas on how to decorate your booth. Glad you had such a great time.
    I'm sorry that you didn't win the DIY contest. You sure deserve it! :)

  17. What a lovely outing! Friends and a flea market.

    Thank you for sharing.


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