
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Greenhouse: Are You Tired of This Yet?

Remember the movie "Groundhog Day"?  That's what it's feeling like here lately.  I get up each day and do the same thing as the day before ... work on the greenhouse. 

The Husband didn't have time to help me yesterday, so I was by myself.  I started the work day by finishing the plywood sheathing at the bottom of the building.  It's that piece to the right of the door ... which is actually four small pieces, since I'm trying to make use of my scraps to keep from having to cut a new piece of plywood.

Next step, cornerboards.  This is the final piece of major construction, and it will seal up the last of the large holes in the greenhouse.  By the end of the day, three of the four corners were finished.  I would have done the fourth corner, but I ran out of screws.

Today will be like every other day this week.  You can find me working on the greenhouse as soon as the sun comes around and temperatures rise enough for me to work outside comfortably.  First, though, I'll make a quick trip to the store to get more screws, a 1x6, and some caulk.  There are 49 windows in this building, and I have to caulk inside and outside of each one of them ... to seal any small gaps to keep the warm air inside and the cold air outside.

Are you as ready as I am to move onto other things? 

With one more full day of work, I honestly still think that I can be finished with the construction part of this project ... at least till spring, when I can do the fun, decorative part with trim and paint.  I will need to work for a day or two to get the inside prepped for plants, but it's warm and sunny inside and working there is a delight.  

Wish me luck.


  1. The English could learn a thing or two from your work. I'm a little envious.

  2. Looks like sunny skies are in our forecast for today so you will definitely be warm working inside today. I'm not tired of hearing about this yet! :-))

  3. Looks really really great Connie! Please promise to tour us inside as you spruce up! I'm not tired of this project at all~

    You go girl~

  4. It looks incredible! You should be very proud of your work!

  5. I will be sad when this ends.
    Oh, wait? The princess cottage is coming to Tennessee, right?
    Hot damn!

    I am loving this, Connie!
    xo, misha

  6. Think Santa will bring me one of I put it one my Christmas list?

  7. Looking good!! Still can't get enough of all you do! Good luck on the remainder of the work before winter.

  8. You have done an amazing job on this greenhouse. I know you are hoping to finish soon. hugs, Linda

  9. Well, I for one, love Groundhog Day... watch it every (almost) year. It's tradition on Feb. 2 as it's my birthday! :-D

    Haven't stopped by in a while... love this greenhouse! Wow! Forty nine windows!

    Can't wait to see it in the spring... hang in there!

  10. I think it is amazing what you're doing, and wish you could come make me one. It is the most adorable thing ever. My husband and I have debated putting one up for years, but in our area, it really wouldn't make our seasons that much longer...bummer.

  11. Connie, you can never post too often about this project -- it is so stunning.

    And -- what with trips to the hardware store and all -- I'm just riveted by the glamour in your life.

    Actually what I am riveted by is your building this -- wow. What an amazing feat. It is so simple and straightforward in design, yet just so perfect.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. OH GOLLY ... that always looks so awful and suspicious, the message above this one that the comment was removed by the author.
    It's because I clicked twice by mistake, and put the same comment on twice, so deleted one.
    ACK. they should have a place to click that gives choices, like A. deleted because it was rude or B. deleted because it was stupid or C. deleted because the author is a doody head ....
    I'll go away now.

  14. I'm sure you're tired of it and are ready to move on but I've enjoyed watching your progress.

    Good luck!

  15. I have been following your greenhouse project and am enjoying it very much, please keep us updated on every move you make with it, its a great inspiration.

  16. I am as impressed today as I was at the beginning. I showed this to my hubby and HE was impressed and told me "why don't you do that"! Gosh! We women just do it all, don't we.

  17. I for one am not looking forward to the end. It's been wonderful. Your greenhouse is such a beautiful building. Who would ever guess that a mere woman built it herself. I think it's one for the Guinness Book of Records or at least "The English Garden" magazine. Just splendid. You can drag this on forever. I'm lovin' it. Soon enough you'll be able to say it's done, and I hope your hands survive all that caulking.

  18. I am enjoying your work on the greenhouse and still envious of your skill and energy. Wait, on second thought, when you finish this, my color can return to normal, since green isn't my best shade. Oh, hell, who am I kidding. You'll just be on to another project that will have me feeling the same way and sporting that same awful shade of green.

  19. Wow! This is going to be so beautiful! Who wouldn't want a greenhhouse like this! I'm so impressed with your skill.

  20. I'm very impressed with your tenacity. Keep thinking about the end product - it's going to be beyond gorgeous!

  21. It's so easy to call it quits when you've been working on a project for so long. You're right on being almost done with the construction part and I'm sure you are SO ready to move onto something else for a while. I know I would be. I've done it often enough. LOL
    If I had a really green thumb, I'd love to have a green house like this! Hang in there...almost :)

  22. No not tired of this, love seeing the process you are making! I think it is such a great project. Laura


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