
Thursday, December 15, 2011

GBBD... Flowers in the House

On the 15th of each month, Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, garden bloggers all over the world link up to show whatever is blooming in their neck of the woods.  Here in Hartwood, where we had temperatures in the 20s for three nights last week, the flowers outside are finished.  Here in the house, though, my Christmas Cactus is putting on its annual show.

I searched for years to find a Christmas Cactus with pale flowers ... being more accustomed to seeing the more common bright red or hot pink ones in the store.  Two years ago, tucked in the back of a clearance table at Home Depot, I spotted this pale pink beauty.  It had one lone flower on it at the time, and it looked pretty distressed, but I was thrilled to scoop it up and bring it home.

When the buds began to open last week, I discovered that there are salmon colored flowers among the pale pink.  These plants are created in the nurseries by planting a number of rooted cuttings into the the same pot, and whoever did this one accidently placed two salmon cuttings among the pink ones.  At first, I was a bit disturbed ... but I soon came to appreciate the contrast, and now I'm okay with it.

I don't think I have ever seen a salmon Christmas Cactus for sale, and I haven't seen a pale pink one since I bought this one.  After mine has finished flowering, I plan to root come cuttings from each part of the plant so I will have plants to share.  Unlike the person who produced my plant, I plan to keep to one color per pot.

What I love most about Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day is visiting gardens all over the world to see what's happening there.  So, I'm off now to visit May Dreams Gardens to see who has linked up and what they have for us to see.  You should go, too.


  1. You would think that after living in the Southwest for a bazillion years that I would have heard of a Christmas Cactus before... but this is new to me. It's gorgeous.

  2. My neighbor (the one closest, a mile down the road, Ha!) has the most beautiful Christmas Cactus! HUGE and just gorgeous!!!
    I love that salmon color. That is so unusual and pretty, Connie!
    Thanks for the heads-up on the blogs to visit :)
    xo, misha

    p.s. i have been having a crappy month and am just now getting out and about to visit! I missed a lot here and need to catch up :)

  3. Mine are blooming right now too and this is the best they have looked since I won them in a White Elephant gift exchange several years ago. I re-potted them over the summer (when they aren't in bloom and accidentally got some pink ones mixed in with the reds, oops!

    I love the salmon color! My Mom has one and she is going to give me a cutting from it. I hear there are also some yellow ones that I would like to find as well.

  4. Connie I think I will head to Home Depot and see if I can find a Christmas Cactus. I need some flowers in my life. Your pink one is gorgeous! I will check out the blog and go see more gorgeous blooms. Happy Day! hugs, Linda

  5. The Salmon are my very favorites! We sell those and the pale pinks, and whites at meadows farms... Its so hard not to buy more every year!

  6. I cannot wait until you propagate some, I would LOVE one of each! Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. I absolutely LOVE those colors. What a find! I am heading to Home Depot RIGHT NOW to find one for myself:-) Okay, not now since it's only 8AM, but maybe later today.

  8. I love that almost white Christmas cactus. Mine is bloomed out but I am hoping for a second round. Tangerine is lovely also...wait, I like them all, even that outrageous hot pink.

  9. Nice indoor garden, Connie. Such delicate colors.

  10. Your Christmas Cactuses are stunning!
    Happy GBBD :)

  11. Love that Christmas I'M going to have to find one like that!

  12. Those are beautiful even if they are mixed!

  13. aloha,

    love your micros of your xmas catus, great show

  14. My grandma always had the dark pink one, and now so do I. But I would really like a pale one like yours!♥♫

  15. I used to have a christmas cactus, dark pink ... the light one is lovely!

  16. You should check out the post on "Garden Musings" blog (Kansas). There are some white and salmon pics there.

    I had never seen salmon before and now, there are two!


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