
Monday, December 5, 2011

A Bloggy Blind Date

Every once in a while, I find someone in the blog world and make an instant connection.  This is what happened with Deborah of Confessions of a Craig's List Junkie.  A few weeks ago, when she and I realized that we only live an hour apart, I proposed that we meet up one day to get to know each other in person.

That day was today.  She and I met for a late breakfast at Bob Evans ... eating and drinking coffee and chatting for a couple of hours, until the lunch rush began and we felt a little weird continuing to sit there and hog the table.

Our next stop was across the street at Home Goods, to do some Christmas damage.  Both of us did a lot more looking than buying, but we each came away with some gifts for others and treasures for ourselves.

(I didn't buy any of the stuff in these photos ... it's just filler.)

I did love this vase, though!

When we finished at Home Goods, we said goodbye, promising to keep in touch.  It was a really great time! 

My next stop was Ikea.  I had a list to kill, and little time to do it.  (Ikea on a time constraint is torture!)  First stop, the fabric department.  I wanted to find fabric to make pillow covers, and Ikea has some great designs.  This one was my favorite, but they were out of it ... grrrr.

By the time I checked everything off my list, my cart was full of fabric and feather pillow forms ... towels and storage baskets ... and a shelf clock.

Filler photo again ... I liked this, but didn't buy it.

The baskets are for my sewing room.  The towels will look great in our downstairs bathroom.  The fabric and pillow forms will be assembled and will end up as merchandise in my booth.

more filler.

"Hey, Connie", you say, "Aren't you nervous that some day one of these bloggy blind dates of yours will turn out to be an axe murderer?"  Not at all.  Everyone I have met so far has been just as lovely in person as they seem online. 

Deborah, today was a lot of fun.  Let's DEFINITELY plan to do it again.


  1. So far, I have enjoyed all I have met! I think sometimes we can tell by a person's blog whether it will be someone we will enjoy. Your booth is really coming along! You visited two of my fave stores ... Ikea and HomeGoods! Always fun to browse them for ideas, and sometimes a few things for myself!

  2. IKEA has fabric?? We were in a crush of people when it opened in Denver and I did skip a part of the lower level as I was getting tired of all the people. Will have to visit again now that the novelty may have worn off.♥♫

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your booth all put together. It sounds like a fun day and successful on the shopping front.

  4. How wonderful that you were able to meet up with a new friend. Love that you stayed till the lunch crowd rushed in!

    I'd say you found some deal and had some fun at Ikea! xo Diana

  5. It was great meeting you Connie! Although I kinda felt like I knew you already from reading your blog! You're a kindred spirit, and let's definitely do it again.

  6. I agree! Everyone I have met in blogland and then in person has been wonderful!! Home Goods and IKEA, oh my you must be tired.

  7. So glad you had a great time and scored some stuff in the process! I need to make a trip to Ikea...soon! And what do you mean, I had an axe in my trunk the whole time! ;-)

    Kat :)

  8. That's wonderful, Connie! Glad it went well.

  9. Isn't it amazing how when you meet blog friends for the first time, it's like you've known them forever, Connie? I just love that! I'm so glad that you two hit it off and had such a good time! IKEA on a time schedule...??? I'd NEVER be able to do that. Kudos to you! lol! Hey, next time, can I give you a "wish list" to take with you...? :)

    xoxo laurie

  10. Next time you come up to Lucketts, if you have time, visit Discount Fabrics in Thurmont MD, north of Frederick ... wholesaler of fabrics (focus: upholstery and drapery fabrics of all kinds, also tassles, some pillow forms, etc.), open to the public. I get tapestry, ultra suede, etc. up there.

  11. D, dear, thank you for the recommendation! I plan to put Discount Fabrics on my list for a trip real soon! Since this is one of your places, that means you're fairly local, too, I see ... hmmmm. :)

  12. How fun to meet a bloggy friend in person! I'm so glad you girls had a nice time.

  13. So glad you had a great time! The only person I have ever met was the woman in the toilet paper aisle at Walmart, in the big city, who recognized me!
    Love your new booth :) Cannot wait to keep up with this!
    xo, misha

  14. Axe murderer! haha - That would have never crossed my mind! How fun and exciting to meet a new blog friend - and now an IRL friend, too!

  15. How fun that you met up with one of your blogging friends! AND that you had such a great time. It's so fun to not only have lunch but to do some shopping with friends. ;)

    I would love to be able to meet up with some fellow bloggers here in Oklahoma but I've only come across a handful. But I'm gonna keep looking.

  16. How nice you got to meet a fellow blogger! Laura


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