
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Alice and Dorothy Decorate for Christmas

Cats have a very different idea than we humans do about how to decorate for Christmas.  While we like the way the Christmas tree looks with all the shiny ornaments and garland hung to the highest top of the tree, cats would rather have everything on the floor ... at least this is what Alice and Dorothy appear to be trying to tell me.

Whenever they have a spare minute or two, these two little cuties have been working hard to rearrange things to their liking.  Notice that the tree skirt is wadded up into a comfy nest, making it a perfect place to lounge. 

This morning, I found six ornaments that they removed from the tree and kicked to various places throughout the house.  I expected this to happen, and you will be comforted to know that our collection of fragile glass ornaments is safely tucked away ... all of the ornaments on the tree this year are made of plastic ... shiny and festive, but unbreakable and safe.

Here's a little game for you this morning.  There are four ornaments in the photo above.  Can you find them all?


  1. I have a couple of redecorators in the house as well... but they can't reach the table top tree. Pets... gotta love 'em, and we do. :-))

    I see three ornaments... guess I'm blind.

  2. It's a lovely tree skirt. Who wouldn't like something so pretty for lounging?

  3. Charlie lounges under our tree on the skirt also. I only see three ornaments...I'll go look again. Those kitty girls are so pretty under your tree. hugs, Linda

  4. 2 cat ornaments and 2 shiny balls=4.

  5. My sweet husband said the same thing! The cats are decorative, but they're not the ornaments I was talking about. :)

    If you find all four, don't spoil the game for everyone else.

  6. Lol.. my cats are the same way.

  7. Okay , there are two red ones up front , one red one under the stand and a green one behind the skirt. Two lovely kitties and a partrige in a pear tree ...

  8. I love the look on their faces! "Who us... redecorate?" Must've been the dog! And what lovely presents you've already received under the tree!

    One of my cats has knocked a couple of ornaments off but he's been good lately! Fingers crossed! I'm hoping he's lost interest in it!

  9. I had a Pomeranian once that loved laying on our tree skirt. One year I tried putting the tree on a table to discourage her. It didn't work. The tree was close enough to a couch for her to still be able to access that tree skirt and we would find her laying there all the time.

  10. Funny kittys. My friend said her cat was in her tree. That would be crazy!! I know it must be very interesting to them.

  11. LOL- Shall I send over a few grandkids to add to the fun? Your babies are too too two cute! xo Diana

  12. lol! Well, that story brought back alot of memories for me, Connie! lolol! My furbabies are too old now to care about anything to play with, but it seemed like yesterday they were batting those balls around the house! :)

    xoxo laurie

  13. I no longer have redecorating cats in the house, but I remember.

    your girls are so pretty... those eyes!

  14. they are precious! :)

    thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment! really appreciate it! merry christmas to you and yours!

  15. If your cats are anything like mine, this post should be entitled Alice and Dorothy UNdecorate for Christmas!

    Loving the sweet posts about your kitties. Totally made me smile.



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