
Friday, November 11, 2011

Greyhounds Rock's Annual Benefit ... Thursday Night Preparations.

Last night, the Greyhounds Rock crew assembled to put the finishing touches on plans for this weekend's "Take a Bite Out of Canine Cancer" benefit.  As with all of our meetings, food is a major player ... last night it was take-out Chinese.

While the humans were talking, TJ made himself busy emptying Quinn and Taylor's (the resident dogs) toy basket.  TJ always tests the toys first, making sure that the squeeker still works before adding it to his pile.

Yes, TJ, I'm talking about you.

The main goal for the evening was to stuff the goodie bags.  The bags themselves are donated by the Fredericksburg Tourism department, and our sponsors and supporters donate trinkets and treats for our guests to enjoy.  We worked like an assembly line, each placing an item in the bag as the bag made its way from one end of Gale's living room to the other.

This photo is proof that greyhounds are the most cat-like of all dogs.  While we were working, Quinn carefully made his way into the fray and laid down in the middle of a pile of half-filled goodie bags.  We worked around him, sliding bags out from under him as we needed them.

Here is just a fraction of the finished bags, ready to be loaded into my car.  It looks like one of the dogs was pilfering toys from the bags.

We also gathered up the rest of our donated auction items.  Everyone has been very generous, and we have some wonderful things available for bids.  Here are two that I really like:

Christmas-themed appliqued embroidered towel set.

and the BEAUTIFUL photo "The Meeting of the Racers".

With everything organized, donations tallied, and the boxes of goodie bags filled to the brim, Quinn and TJ and Taylor made it known that their work was done and they were tired.

This morning, we are meeting at the event hotel to begin the on-site preparations and set up.  It's going to be a GREAT weekend!!

(If you want to attend, we still have tickets available ... hint, hint.)


  1. I love your furry helpers! Have a great weekend and I know this will be a success! Hugs, Linda

  2. Have a GREAT weekend!!

  3. Love that picture of the three. and love what you're doing, it's a beautiful thing.

  4. Good luck with the event -- hope you raise lots of $$ for this great cause!

  5. Connie- this is going to be such an incredible event! Those dogs are so beautiful- I applaud your involvement with this great charity. I hope you make a gazillion dollars for your cause-- if I were closer I'd want to help for sure.
    Be sure to let us know how it all works out.

  6. Hahaha at TJ testing the toys!

    Love that towel set.

    Have a wonderful, successful weekend.

  7. Best wishes for your event. We still haven't gotten another greyhound (or other pet).


  8. Hope your event goes well Connie! Looks like the preparations were lots of fun.

  9. I wish you great success. The photos of the dogs are so sweet. Such gentle faces.


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