
Friday, October 7, 2011

A New Day

Emma is in Heaven now.  She told me yesterday afternoon that she was ready to go, and I promised that I would respect her wishes.  She left, with family around her, helped on her journey by our dear veterinarian.  (I love Dr. Jewett more than I can express!) 

I knew this morning would be very difficult ... it's my first morning in twelve years without Emma here, after all.  Surprisingly, I am at peace.  My biggest source of stress has been Emma's health and well-being.  Now I turn my attention to Daniel, as I help him learn to be an only dog. 

Our eldest daughter came to visit Emma yesterday afternoon, bringing Caleb with her, and Alice had her first opportunity to see a real baby.

Caleb was unimpressed.  At two weeks old, he has plenty of time to learn what cats are.  Alice was not sure what to make of this miniature person.  She sniffed him over and backed away.

I am humbled by the outpouring of love and support that I have received here in the past few days, and I am grateful from the bottom of my heart.  Knowing that we are not alone in our grief makes it easier to bear.


  1. Thinking of you and knowing your emotional pain right now. It's impossible not to love them the way we do.

  2. Another big hug. She was a great dog and had a great life with you.

  3. Sending much love your way! Caleb is beautiful. I know holding a new baby brings much comfort to you. RIP Sweet Emma.

  4. Fortaleza. Caleb es muy guapo.

  5. That beautiful little chap must surely lighten the sadness, warmest wishes from here, so sorry to hear the news.

  6. I am so sorry to read about Emma. I have been in your shoes before with my Samoyed. Brain cancer was the diagnosis. My prayers are with you, and Daniel is sure to miss his Emma. My Akita, Bram was very lost with out his Brea. I first met you online inquiring about getting a rescue greyhound. Bram lived a very long life for an Akita. I am still without a dog in my life after many years, and it is a great void. I wish you all the best.

  7. You were lucky to have each other..
    Whenever I have lost a pet, people always tell me how lucky they were to have me. I always tell them,
    "No, I was the lucky one!"
    xo, misha

  8. God bless you. I'm sending prayers for peace to you... Emma has found hers. So very sorry for your loss.

  9. I'm so sorry. :( Caleb is adorable - I know it helps to hold a baby.

  10. So sorry for your loss. You gave her a great life and she enriched yours. Great gifts. :) Beautiful little boy too. :)

  11. Thinking of you. I'm very sorry.

  12. I'm just catching up with blogs and OH.... I'm so very sorry that you've lost such a dear part of your family.

    Each time that I put an animal to sleep, I wonder if I have the strength to love another one knowing that one day I'll feel the pain again. And yet I do.

    I know you'll cherish the memories but I also know how very hard it is..... I wish you a peaceful weekend.

  13. I was so afraid to open your post, but I had to steel myself, because I knew that I wanted to write to support you and to wish your sweet Emma Godspeed.

    I am so, so sorry for your loss. My heart is heavy and I send warm thoughts and strength to all those whose lives Emma touched. I know she touched many and left her paw prints on so many hearts. She certainly did mine.She was a wonderful ambassador for rescue.

  14. So sorry for your loss. Hugs to the whole family!

  15. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, my heart goes out to you. Sounds like Emma had a pretty wonderful life for 12 years, she was lucky to have you.

  16. So sorry, just think of how lucky she was to find YOU!

  17. Dear Connie,

    I have always heard these things happen in threes. First your friends beautiful pup, as well as my sweet girl Cinnamon, in the very same day. And now your most beautiful Emma. I grieve for all of us. I know for me it was truly a heartbreaker. i keep expecting to see her bounding through the garden or poke her head around the corner of the kitchen. But I know that we all did the right thing by the animals we now miss so deeply, and that now they aren't suffering or in pain at all. I am truly sorry for your loss and extend a warm hug to both you and your friend who have experienced loss in this very trying last week.


  18. I've been out of town, so I'm catching up on posts. You and Emma were in my thoughts, however. I'm so sorry with this news. Still thinking about you. Deb

  19. So very sorry about Emma -- but she is in a better place now. Big hugs to you and yours.



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