
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Guess What I'm Working on Today?

It's a gorgeous fall day here in Virginia.  The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and it's a perfect day to get some serious work accomplished on the greenhouse.

Excuse me now, because I have to make a run to Lowes to get screws and hinges and a couple of other things.

I'll show you more later.


  1. Oh this looks like a lovely little green house to me!!

  2. Remember the greenhouse in the movie
    "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle"?
    Well, yours is looking quite similar!
    Cannot wait to see the finished beauty :)
    Have a splendid day!
    xo, misha

  3. Me parece estupendo el trabajo en el invernadero, el día se presta para ello. Por acá nosotros tenemos muchas tormentas y el frío, estoy deseando que ya venga el verano y en estos meses los vientos alisios. Saludos desde Costa Rica.

  4. You're such a tease! I can't wait to see the finished greenhouse!

  5. Busy, busy, busy! Glad the weather is agreeable.

  6. Translation of Shirley's comment, compliments of Google: "I think it's great work in the greenhouse, the day was made for it. Over here we have many storms and cold, and I look forward to the coming of the summer and in recent months the trade winds. Greetings from Costa Rica."

  7. Ok, just so you know...I inspire you to buy inexpensive (relatively speaking) camera bags, and you inspire me to build big expensive outbuildings! Hello?! ;-)

    Kat :)

  8. You rock Connie, can't wait to see the finished product. By the way, all of the roses are glad to be in Florida, no signs yet from Apothecary. Gave her a bit of alfalfa, maybe she will respond. Post pics!

  9. just HAD to show that photo to make me all jealous, didn't you, Connie...? lol! THAT is going to be totally awesome, girl!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  10. Oh, it's going to be gorgeous. I am so very envious!

  11. I've always wanted a greenhouse!!!! Lucky you and I know you'll put it to good use!
    Now that we've moved (and left my gardens behind) I think that I'll cut my gardening way back in scope so I think that my greenhouse dreams will never come true!


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