
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Greenhouse Progress

Yesterday was quite productive.  Early in the day required a bit of time spent standing and staring and fiddling to decide exactly how to proceed ... but once decisions were made, I got a lot accomplished.

Front trim is installed on the posts.  Windows are scraped and sanded, drilled and screwed in place.

Today's progress should be even better.  I intend to have this south wall finished, and I hope to start on the west wall this afternoon.

This greenhouse is beginning to look exactly like the picture I have in my head!

Edited to add:  This greenhouse is a testament to using salvaged materials.  All of the windows, the skylights, and most of the lumber was scrounged from various sources.  I designed it to make most efficient use of the materials I had collected ... to use salvaged materials, but make it look like a million bucks!