
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Souvenir de la Malmaisson for GBBD ... and a Winner

Visitors to the garden for the past two weekends have marveled at the performance that Souvenir de la Malmaisson is putting on in one of my front yard rose beds.  While a huge majority of my roses are looking pretty shabby from the neglect that they have suffered this year, SDLM is a beacon of loveliness.

Here is a wide shot, so you can see just how many flowers are on this bush.  You can also see that it's surrounded by weeds, Bermuda grass and Creeping Charlie being the worst offenders.  (The tall rose on the right is Felicia.)

I shot these photos earlier this morning, just as the sun was rising above the trees across the street.  The gentle morning light perfectly showcases the soft pinkness of this beautiful rose.

This grouping of flowers below looks like a ready-made bouquet.  

I wish I could pass along the scent of this rose, as I was experiencing it while standing on my head to get these photos.

On to another matter ...

The winner of the tile tray is:


Martha said, "I love reading good blogs - it's like reading a book for me. I love hearing about other people's hobbies and lives and crafts.  And considering you don't live that far from me, I find it even MORE interesting.  Oh, and I do love the first experience with roses was that my mother's name was Rose. And we always had roses in the yard in NY."

(The accuracy and the results of this drawing are certified by the feline firm of Dorothy, Maggie, and Alice.)

What I loved most about this giveaway was getting to know a bit about many of you who spend part of your day here with me, reading what I write and getting involved in my world.  I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity.

Since today is the 15th, it's Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!  It has been a while since I have participated, so I think I will head over to May Dreams Gardens to see what everyone else over there has blooming in their yards.  I'm also going to take this post on the road to party over at Fishtail Cottage for Cottage Flora Thursday


  1. I won!!!!!!!! Yay!!!! Thank you SO much Connie. The tray is beautiful and I can't wait to see it in person. And to meet you, and see all the beautiful roses!
    I never win anything and this really made my day.
    Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
    Big smiles :-D

  2. What a beautiful rose-even the foliage is pretty. I've never tried my luck at growing roses, but this one seems as if could handle the neglect it would have to endure in my gardens also! Love your photos :)

  3. Your roses are wonderful!! I've tried a few old roses and the best I've found for this area..east Belinda. She is still alive after this record breaking drought and heat that we've had this year.

    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to follow me.
    Have a wonderful day!!!

  4. Connie, your Souvenir de la Malmaison rose is simply to die for! You took so wonderful photos of it. I had this rose once and it died on me as a baby band. After seeing your post I decided I will order it again. Thanks!

  5. Connie, your roses make me swoon. That one is a gorgeous gal -- wow. Beautiful.

    The only thing that makes me swoon more are your greyhounds.

    PS Love how you identify the weeds! I just call mine all by the same name ... which is not printable in a family venue.

  6. Another of your beautiful roses! I also wish we could smell them with you. Congrats to the winner of the tray! Have a wonderful day! hugs, Linda

  7. Those roses are absolutely gorgeous!

    Congratulations to Martha, winner of the beautiful tray!

    Wishing all a wonderful day! :0)

  8. The blush coloring of that rose is so lovely!

  9. SDLM is such a beautiful rose. I don't know why I've never put her in my garden. Thanks for showing us weeds and all. Makes me feel a little less inadequate! Congratulations to Martha!

  10. One of my favorite roses. Love the oldies!


  11. Connie,

    The Hartwood (now ours) Souvenir de la Malmaison is doing great as she ends its first year of growth. She was covered with blooms just before Irene visited the area. It won't be too long before she blooms again. Thank you for your patience over the last four years!

    Congratulations to Martha for that gorgeous tray. I've been a lurking blog reader since the beginning but have decided to join the rest of you!

  12. Such a beautiful Rose! And I love that your sweet kitties were the accounting firm who certified the winner! Congratulations to Martha!

    Kat :)

  13. The hint of soft pink on those roses is wonderful and I love the fullness.

    Congratulations, Martha!

  14. You are so right about the smell of this rose-it is wonderful!This is one of my favorites. Love your blog am now following.

  15. I'm a sucker for the soft pink and full blossoms! Great shots!! (and your shots of your DIL were so sweet!)

  16. What a gorgeous rose! I love the delicate pink color. I've always been afraid of growing most roses, but one that can stand some neglect sounds like my type of rose:)

  17. This is one of my most fav old roses! Such soft beautiful colors. Would love to have you join us on Twitter for #RoseChat. Lot's of folk talking Roses there!

  18. Happy GBBD Connie and congratulations Martha.

  19. I just love this rose and your photos, wow, they really capture it's beauty!


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