
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good Morning, Morning After

Hurricane Irene has come and gone.  It rained, and it blew, and our house and our trees are relatively unaffected.  We lost power for a brief time at dinnertime last night ... very brief. 

The only damage I can find is to our front fence.

For those of you who haven't seen it in person, our fence posts are made of poured concrete and they are almost six feet high.  The fence was built in the mid-1950s, and it is a very prominent feature of the property. 

It looks like the earthquake on Tuesday compromised the posts, and the wind from yesterday's storm finished off this one.  I can see that it was hiding some damage ... cracks in the concrete had been letttng water in, which corroded the angle iron in the center of the post.  One big puff of wind, and over it went.

All of the pieces are here, so I think I can fix it.  Using adhesive and worm-drive band clamps, it should go back together like a big, heavy jigsaw puzzle.

Then, I will turn my attention to stabilizing the other damaged posts.  These cracks look pretty ominous.

I am incredibly thankful that this is all we have to deal with.  As I went to bed last night, I said a prayer for our trees ... our trees are my favorite feature of our property, and I worry about them more than just about anything.  No damage to them ... I am grateful.

So, all of our preparations were for naught ... thank goodness ... except for the cake.  German Chocolate Cake is the best thing to have while listening to the wind and rain outside.  It's also good for breakfast.  :)

Happy Sunday, Everyone.