
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears ... without the Lions and Tigers

I'm fairly certain that this pile I found yesterday in the Rose Field is bear poop. 

I have my game camera set up outside now.  (I had been using it to spy on our dogs in the family room.) 

Jim, next door at Hartwood Winery, will go out later today to see if there is any trace of bear activity in his vineyard.  If there is, we will move the camera to his place to see if we can get pictures.

There's never a dull moment living in out in the country!


  1. Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner! Big giveaway is the seeds in bear poo. Can't wait to see the pics.

  2. What nerve! Can't they tell the difference between a rose field and the woods? Guess not. Be careful out there. That weed in the photo right below the poop plagues me, too. I call it spurge. Is that what you call it? I hate it!!!

  3. What odd looking poop they have. I thought it would look more like a big pile of dog poop... HA... The things that go through my mind sometimes. LOL

  4. What? No resident pooper scooper? LOL- That is some big bear! Hope you CAN catch him on camera- xo Diana

  5. Oh, my! We have lots of critters, but thankfully no bears! It will be interesting if you get pictures! But be careful!!!!

  6. Is that what bear poop normally looks like, or does the bear have piles?

  7. Does a bear poop in the woods or the rose garden?

  8. This bear couldn't make it to the woods, and the rose garden was a good second choice. :)

  9. Wow. I'm soon to move to your region. I thought "Back East" was civilization--meaning NO BEARS! Yikes! (On a practical note, I didn't know bears made "pebbles"--I'd only known about deer, bunnies and goats) I feel better informed, though still a little uneasy about bears. :/

  10. Oh my bear poop! Looking forward to the photos.

  11. Ack!!! And I thought having deer feasting on my tomatoes was bad... :)

  12. Yup, that's definitely bear poop.

    Wild game tracker that I am...

  13. Oh my a bear ( but how cool would that be to have bear photos!) I'll be waiting--

  14. Connie! So you're an eschatologist. Fascinating study! It will be great to see the bear photos. I hope you "catch" one. (On camera, that is!)


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