
Monday, May 23, 2011

A Visit from a Dear Friend

When Kat came to visit me last Friday, we spent most of her time here wandering the gardens and snapping photos.  (There was quite a bit of conversation going on, too, because we are both VERY chatty.) 

La Belle Sultane.  (gallica)

The weather was beautiful!  The temperature was warm, but not too warm, and the sun wasn't blazing ... so it was a perfect afternoon to spend in the garden with cameras.

Barbararosa.  (climber)

I always enjoy watching other people move through my garden.  I'm here all the time, so I'm almost used to the rose overload, and I love to watch how others react.

Variegata di Bologna.  (hybrid perpetual)

It was also very interesting to see how my style of garden photography differs from Kat's.  I aim for 'catalog quality' shots that I can share here or use on my nursery web site.  It looked to me like she was capturing things as they are ... blackspot and spent flowers and all.

Elegant Gallica.  (gallica)

In the spirit of full disclosure, here is MY blackspot photo.  This rose is one of my best repeating hybrid perpetuals, but it is very susceptible to blackspot.  (Regular application of fungicide keeps this at bay, but I haven't sprayed it yet this year.)

Ulrich Brunner Fils.  (hybrid perpetual)

Speaking of spraying, it's time for me to get outside and see how much I can get done.  The weather this morning is perfect, and I am aiming to get the whole garden done.  Wish me luck.

I'm gonna go wordless to share the best of the rest of my photos from Friday.

Basye's Purple Rose.  (hybrid rugosa)

Maid Marion.  (hybrid musk)

"Tidewater Trail" (a found Hybrid China)

Inspiration.  (climber)

While I'm outside, I plan to take a photo or two of the baby Mockingbirds.  I've discovered that I can sneak in and sneak back out quickly during the short interval while both parents are off hunting for bugs.  I'll let you know how it goes.