
Monday, May 9, 2011

The Fruits of This Weekend's Labor

The weather this weekend was perfect for working outside.  The Husband's goal was to get all of our shade beds looking good ... removing the weeds (mostly violets and chickweed) and installing garden edging around the pavilion (the edging was FREE on Craig's List a few weeks ago).  He worked incredibly hard, and the results are wonderful. 

This will be the site of our daughter's wedding ceremony next month, so it has to look really, REALLY good.  Frequent rain showers have made the ground perfectly damp to make weed pulling easier, without being too wet to plant.  I have a few hostas in pots left to plant in the bare spots near the fence.  We'll lay mulch as soon as we get more, and the area will be finished!  This is one more thing that we can check off the wedding To Do list.

(This photo was taken yesterday evening with my new lens ... it arrived in the mail on Friday! It's great to have my trusty Nikon DSLR back in business again.  Depending on today's light conditions, expect to be totally bombarded with rose photos in the very near future.)


  1. That is a stunning spot for a wedding..your daughter is so lucky!
    Can't wait for the rose photos.

  2. What a beautiful spot!... we did a lot of planting and clean up this weekend too, it was glorious weather!...

    And thank you, dear friend, for the lovely rambling rose. It arrived safely just in time for mothers day!... what a lovely addition it will be to the gardens of This Old House.

  3. I just discovered your blog and when I saw your greyhounds, knew you were okay. Your home is lovely. I spent a few minutes browsing. Our greyhound, Favor, died last year at age 13 1/2. She was a great pet.

  4. That beautiful pavilion was FREE?! Wow! What an awesome find! And it will be perfect for you daughter's wedding!

    I'm also glad you were able to cross one more thing off your very long list!

  5. The edging was free, not the pavilion ... we built the pavilion a few years ago. I guess the way I worded the sentence originally was a bit confusing. I just edited it a little bit, so no one else gets the wrong idea. This is what can happen while one is trying to express one's thoughts in writing, with less than a full cup of coffee on board in the early morning.

  6. What a great place for a wedding!! Can't wait to see photos of that.

  7. This is going to be a wedding in a million Connie!! You've both been so busy and put so much effort into the preparations.

  8. Beautiful work~ Perfect setting for the Wedding!!!Of course~ do post pics!

  9. Perfect edging and free! It does look lovely. Can't wait to see all of the rose photos!

  10. Everything is looking so pretty! What a lovely spot for a wedding. I know you are so excited!

  11. The wedding location is going to be magnificent!

  12. OH, this is really will be perfect for a wedding!

  13. what a beautiful spot to be married! that photo is gorgeous!



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