
Thursday, April 7, 2011

What a Beautiful Day ... and an Announcement

Yesterday, the sky was blue, the clouds were puffy, and temperatures were warm (but not too warm) ... a perfect day for working outside.

A huge oak tree on one side of our front yard ...

... and a large wild cherry tree on the other side.

Our cooler-than-average temperatures for the past week or so have preserved the blooming daffodils, so their spring show seems to be going on a bit longer than usual. 

These are an old fashioned variety that is called Butter and Eggs.  All of these were rescued from old house sites that no longer exist.

The daffodil bulbs that I planted by our front fence three years ago are growing really well.  It's easy to tell which part of the fence has the sunniest, best growing conditions.

I worked in the greenhouse for a few hours while the morning was cool, continuing to pot the roses into their larger pots.  It feels really good to slide a rose out of its little pot and see roots like this.

And now for the announcement ... Mark your calendar and plan to attend Hartwood Roses' Spring Open House.  I'm planning to open the garden on Saturday, May 14 (rain date, Sunday, May 15).  I have lots of details to attend to before then, so take this as a preliminary announcement.  I will announce a complete schedule of activities here soon, and email it to everyone on my mailing list, so stay tuned.

Spring is finally here, and I can't wait to share it with you!


  1. I love that first tree shot! How lovely that you saved those daffodil plants. They are thriving!

  2. I am kicking myself for not planting daffodils and tulips last fall!.....

  3. Oooh, I can't wait to see the pictures of your Open Day.

  4. Love the Double Daffs....wish I could attend your Open Day!!! Post about it please.

  5. I love how you talk about your beautiful day, makes me dream and smile of spring days to come (yeah April, we had snow last night, crazy!) Anyway, I love your blog, you photos, your words. What a gorgeous place you have and your gardens are just divine! I look forward to following your blog. You have the kind of place I dream to have one day =)

  6. Great saying on the garden stone. :-))

  7. Connie, I agree what a beautiful day. I would love to attend your open house, but I will be in PA on May 5, not the 15th. Much closer drive from SE PA to VA, than from WNY direct. My Ex and I had a store in VA many years ago, so I know the drive. Your images are lovely showing your beautiful property. Donna @ Garden Walk Garden Talk

  8. Hi connie, I'm jealous, spring hasn't sprung just yet here in Illinois. No daff's just yet, maybe by Easter? Good luck with your open house! Would've loved to try to visit, but made plans to go to Dollywood after picking up our daughter at UNCC. Hope to make a visit to DC in the future and when we do, Hartwood will be a must stop! Enjoy your spring!!

  9. Dear Connie, Thank you for the invitation. I WILL visit you one day, but I'm not able to this month! Yes, spring is definitely here at last, even in PA. Your photos are lovely, as always. P.x

  10. Woohoo, and is it bad that I hope you have to go with your rain date since I have a show that Saturday?! Nah, I hope you have wonderful weather both days! Love your trees and your beautiful daffodils!

    Kat :)

  11. Connie the open house garden tour is wonderful news!

  12. Sure would love to be there!

  13. ohhhh, I would so love to come to your open house!! what fun.
    I love seeing spring at your house, that means we're next!!

    happy weekend!

  14. It's soooo nice to see those signs of spring, Connie! My little crocuses are fiiiinally coming up - and tomorrow and Sunday are supposed to be a perfect days for working in my gardens! yay! :)

    xoxo laurie

  15. Connie- the tree photos are breathtaking! Indeed it was a gorgeous day! How exciting that you are preparing for your opening- how I wish I could attend. I hope you will share beautiful pictures with us all.

  16. I'm glad you will be at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden's sale, just in case I can't make it to your open house. I recognize my hard-to-get-to open daffodils as the butter-and-eggs you showed. Two opened this year but some years no buds form. I brought them from my parents' garden, where they were famous for never blooming! I tended to and tied up my New Dawn this week after reading your post. Thanks for the tutorial.

  17. Me, too, Connie. Have a lovely Open House! Everybody go!


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