
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Flowers on Friday ... Pink Roses in the Greenhouse

The roses in the garden are responding to the increased daylight and warmer temperatures that spring is finally bringing by leafing out nicely.  Some are even setting buds ... which means beautiful flowers begin to open by the middle of next month.  I'm so excited!!

For now, as I wait for garden roses, I can enjoy a few flowers on some of the roses in the greenhouse.  These pink roses are a very welcome sight ... soothing my restlessness and bringing a huge smile to my face.  I took my camera to the greenhouse this evening ... to share the flowers with you, hoping to make you smile, too.

This one is "Portland from Glendora", one of the few roses I love enough to have a duplicate in the garden.  The color is a perfect medium pink, and the fragrance is over-powering.

A small Carefree Beauty in a 3 1/2" pot produced this FOUR-INCH flower!  Amazing!!

It's a little past peak, and not exactly perfect for such a tight close up, but I had to share it.

Most people who know me know that Ralph Moore is one of my very favorite rose hybridizers.  He produced an incredibly imaginative assortment of roses in his long career.  This one, Little Buckaroo, is a beautiful miniature rose from 1956.

Hybrid China roses were first introduced in the late 18th Century, when European rose breeders crossed Gallica and Centifolia roses with the 'new' ever-blooming roses that had recently been introduced from China.  There are two Hybrid Chinas blooming in the greenhouse right now ... this one is "The Bishop" ...

... and the other one is Shailer's Provence ... another rose that I love enough to have two of them in the garden.  Shailer's Provence is among the first roses to bloom in my garden, and one of the last spring-blooming OGRs to finish.  It also hold the distinction of being the first rose I ever rustled from an endangered site. 

The tag on this next rose says "Unknown".  The original tag from last year is lost, and I retagged it to remind me that I have to try to figure out its true identity when it bloomed.  It's blooming ... and I still don't know.  Whatever it is, it's something that I have left over from last year's stock.  This should help narrow it down a bit. 

This last rose is one that I am growing for myself, from cuttings sent to me by a friend in California.  It's called 'Puanani', and it's a lilac pink sport of 'Playgirl' a hot pink floribunda introduced by Ralph Moore.  I love the simplicity of single roses ... five perfect petals and beautiful yellow stamens. 

Here's what the whole little plant looks like.  The flowers are about 3 inches across, and the plant is only about a foot high right now. 

As I finished up and turned to leave the greenhouse to go inside to cook dinner, I saw a lovely little vignette to use to finish this post.  What a perfect way to end the day ... fragrant roses, and a tall, cold one.

I'm sharing this post on the following sites:
Fertilizer Friday at Tootsie Time
Garden Blogger's Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens
Photo Feature Friday at A Rosy Note
(Share the love, and go visit some more blooming gardens.)


  1. I can never get enough of your roses! Pop the top on a cold one and we will sit and chat! hugs, Linda

  2. I'd say you've earned more than one "cold one". Pop a top, again!"

  3. What beautiful roses. I love roses and the old garden roses are my favorites...of those I perfer the "teas" as they do well in my zone 9-10 garden. Yours are lovely.

  4. Beautiful Pink Roses ! I can almost smell them !

  5. I can smell them in my imagination.

  6. These are all so beautiful...I need to get over there and take some pictures, but for now your gorgeous shots will carry me through!

    Thinking of you, and looking forward to sharing a tall cold one with you sometime soon!

    Kat :)

  7. Oh my, your roses are so beautiful. I really love the one in those first two photos.

    Thanks so much for sharing your pretty pictures at Photo Feature Friday :)


  8. You must be so excited to see your labor of love flower for the first time! Usually I am not into single roses, but 'Puanani' caught my eye it is so pretty in its simplicity. Very beautiful muted color. I enjoyed reading your post and looking at all the pretty pictures of pink roses!

  9. I never tire of seeing your roses. I can almost smell them.
    I'm on the way over to have a cold one with you ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Your pink roses are beautiful. Mine are all budding out, too. I'll be back to see more.

  11. Just gorgeous! I like the simplicity of single roses too, and your photos definitely do this one justice.

  12. My goodness you blooms...and your photos...are just gorgeous!
    So happy to "meet" you, thanks for popping over. :-)


    So sorry about Amy

  13. I'm so very ready for roses in the yard...and I loved that last photo!

  14. My two favorites: 'Shailer's Provence' because it looks like a peony and 'Portland from Glendora' because I didn't know roses could look like that. They are all beautiful though. Carolyn

  15. Came a new way today. Happy GBBD.
    love your pink roses. It is such a pretty rose color, especially in the pretty single.

  16. Love your photos and roses! (Love the last photo also!)

  17. Hi

    Just popped over from A Rosy Note

    Gorgeous Roses and equally gorgeous home - consider me a long stay guest.

    Sue x

  18. Pink roses, my favorite! It's hard to choose a favorite, but I really love the first one.
    Love that last picture, can't wait til it's warm enough to sit outside with a cold beer, right now a cup of coffee is more warming.

  19. Your pink roses are just gorgeous. I love the Portland rose. I cannot wait until my roses start blooming. Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. you have so many beautiful roses. I've always been a little afraid of them. We do have a couple of them, but they really don't grow/spread. I think it's the location. Yours are lovely.

  21. Beautiful photos...makes me wish you could smell blogs...

  22. Never seen as pretty pink roses ever. Just love em all.

  23. I need the Playgirl! I just bought a rose Saturday called Playboy. It is a really nice apricot color (I have pics of it on my blog). I think they would make a nice pair :-). Have a great weekend

  24. Love that Puanani - sounds Hawaiian? That wild rose look would fit in beautifully in my gardens. Happy Bloom Day!

  25. Oh gosh, love all these shots. Your flowers are gorgeous. I wish I lived nearby, I'd love to visit your nursery. Now I know where to go for advice on choosing roses!

    A nice Corona to end the day :)

  26. Coming over from "a rosy note" beatiful photo's of your gorgeous roses!!! xoxo, tracie

  27. Pink roses are my favorite! Beautiful blooms! A belated happy Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!

  28. Connie- your photos just make me go WOW!! Such stunning flower images- I can hardly wait for this new season!

    The vignette photo is beautiful!


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