
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Turning a Blog Friend into a Real, In-the-Flesh Friend

How many times have you read a blog and thought that the person behind that blog might be a great friend to hang out with?  This happens to me a lot ... I guess it's because I tend to follow blogs where the blogger seems to have a similar style and attitude to my own.  Most of these folks, however, live in faraway parts of this country or other countries, so a get-together could be practically impossible. 

Sometimes, the stars align and I find someone I know I will love right here in my own backyard.  This was the case with Linda of Haven on Hanover.  I have followed her escapades for a long time, as she renovated her turn-of-the-century home in Richmond ... all the while thinking that she and I would probably get along great.  Yesterday (FINALLY!) we meshed our schedules and met for an afternoon of lunch, junk hunting, and getting to know one another better.

The photos in this post are all of the wonderful items I brought home yesterday.  I literally felt like I was on a treasure hunt ... there were so many great things.  This 3-gallon crock is in perfect condition!

I collect almost everything related to Fredericksburg.  Farmer's Creamery was a dairy that operated in downtown Fredericksburg until the 1970s.  This crate, with plywood side panels, must be one of their 'newer' styles.  I have an older one in our family room that holds magazines and my knitting.

Linda and I hit it off immediately, and we had a fabulous time together.  In person, her home is beyond anything that she can possibly show on the blog ... and I was secretly trying to figure out a way to sneak her dogs out the door and into my car without her noticing.  (She probably would have only pretended to stop me from stealing Harvey.)  On second thought, I doubt my cats would appreciate it if I had succeeded in taking Harvey.  I can just go to Richmond and visit him.

I can rarely resist a great garden book.  This one had great photos of over-the-top gardens all around the country. 

Here is an example ... an estate in Long Island, NY, where the house looks like a reproduction of Mount Vernon.

We started our day with some shopping at Class and Trash and Through the Garden Gate.  Each of us found wonderful treasures, and the back of her van was pretty full by the time we stopped to have lunch.  (Speaking of lunch, Linda lives right around the corner from Joe's Inn, one of my favorite Richmond restaurants ... it's fate, I tell you.)
This was my favorite buy of the day ... one of those things that make you squeal and clutch your treasure to your chest, and run for the cashier before anyone sees you?  This is a hand-drawn memorial to a couple from Strafford, NH, from 1836.  Look at the detail in this drawing!!!  and the CAT!!  I will have it reframed with archival materials to preserve it better.

Both of us decided that this was a very successful 'blind date' and that we intend to spend quite a bit of time in each other's company in the future. 

Dorothy doesn't want me to see her checking out the chandelier.  I don't have an exact place for this yet, but I knew that I would kick myself if I left it behind. 

Alice approves of my treasures.

Let's get back to my original question ... is there a blog that you really enjoy and do you think you would like to meet the blogger?  If that person is local, what are you waiting for???

I'm linking this post to the following:
Vintage Thingy Thursday
Junkin' Finds Friday


  1. I am so glad you and Linda got to meet. I've been lucky to meet several Atlanta bloggers and several have become good friends. I do have some folks that I swear one day I will meet even if they live far away!

  2. I have 'met' many new blog friends through Blotanical and hope to meet them in person at the Seattle Fling this year in July. Also, I am planning a trip to Pennsylvania, where I am from originally, to meet a few online buddies there this Spring. Blogging is great fun and the people are wonderful.

  3. How great that you two could meet. What great treasures. Yes, I need to meet some local gals.

  4. I think I'd already have met you if you lived within the beltway!

  5. So glad you had a wonderful visit! And you always find the best stuff! A play date is in our future...I'll look at the calendar!

    Kat :)

  6. Wonderful post. So glad you had an opportunity to meet one of your blog friends. I feel a connected to many, but I will never see them in person. Love your tour and outing with her.

  7. So pleased it was a success and you both had a lovely day.

  8. I LOVE JUNK HUNTING!!!.. You found some really neat treasures there. I think Alice would find a way into my car should I come for a visit. Yes, I have met quite a few who I can picture sitting around a table eating too much food and laughing it up after a day of junk hunting. One of these days...

  9. I have met a few bloggers in real life here in Ohio and it is great to be able to put a face with my favorite blogs. So glad you two were able to meet. Your kitty looks very comfortable in his new box.

  10. There are a lot of folks I would like to meet and I am excited that I will be able to go to Seattle this summer to meet some folks during the Garden Bloggers Fling.

  11. How awesome for you both! I would love to go to a blog convention! Doesn't that sound fun?!

    I just adore your place here :) Old homes and the people who love them are always number 1 in my little world!
    Happy day to you!!
    xo, misha

  12. That is wonderful that you two had such a great first "date" have been lucky to meet some wonderful bloggers and it is so cool because when you first meet it's like seeing a sister again. You got some great items.

  13. Looks like your found some treasures and had a good time. Isn't it neat how one can feel so connected to friends in blogland?

  14. What a treat to meet a blog friend...I haven't been fortunate enough just yet...and my Dear, thank you so much for taking the time to answer about my struggling roses ... you haven't heard the last from me. ;)

  15. Sounds like a wonderful day. I haven't met anyone in person through blogging yet, but I did meet someone in a yahoo group who turned out to live around the corner!

  16. Lovely post--I do the same thing; I tend to follow blogs that connect with things I love for my home. Your vintage items are wonderful--I really like that darling cat too!

  17. I love funky junk but just yesterday was thinking I need to clean out my closets and bureau drawers.. so much around here I never, ever use. And I mean NEVER USE.

    So glad you had a great girly date!

  18. It sure looks like you had a great time and each found a wonderful new friend. Yes, there are three of us who are planning to get together next month. We are all looking forward to it.
    Your kitties are so precious. My heart is going thump-thump.

  19. Sounds like you had a great time and made a great new friend.


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