
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fooling Mother Nature for Garden Blogger's Bloom Day

For those of us in northern climates, participating in Garden Blogger's Bloom Day in winter is a bit challenging.  When the weather is cold, we have to dream up unusual and imaginative ways to check in on the 15th of the month with other gardeners to show whatever is blooming at the moment.  This month, I offer forsythia buds that I am forcing in my kitchen window.

These branches have been in the warm house for a week now, and the flower buds are almost ready to open.  This is a good thing, because I am planning to take them to decorate the buffet table at a garden club meeting on Thursday.

This winter seems to have dragged on longer than usual.  Forcing forsythia is my little way to get a taste of spring, when I seem to need it most.

If you've never done this, you MUST give it a try.  Cut a forsythia branch any time after late January, bring it into the house and place it in a vase in a warm window.  You should have flowers in about 10 days. 

I'm linking this post to:
Garden Blogger's Bloom Day at May Dreams Garden


  1. Connie, great photos of the forsythia. Here, cut twigs have buds that are still awfully tight. I usually wait until the end of the month, but it does depend on the temps. Glad you joined the fun, Happy GBBD.

  2. Really nice shots. I'm liking this "out of focus" thing.

  3. OMG! I just said to myself that, tomorrow I will cut a huge bouquet of forsythia branches! I wish I had done it last week!

  4. I do this too, absolutely love the effect when it's still dreary outside.

    LOL.. I was just goint to tell you I learned this from my friend Joey, but I see she has already introduced herself above :-)

  5. Your forced blooms forsythia will be a big spirit lifter when they bloom. Forsythia that I planted years ago don't seem to like our mild climate. No flowers!

  6. I love forsythia! We had a huge forsythia bush at our old house and it was always such a welcome sign of spring when it bloomed each year! I will have to go find a bush somewhere and under the cover of darkness "borrow" some! If I get caught I will blame you! ;-)

    Kat :)

  7. Had never heard of forcing forsythia - hope it produces in time for your event.

  8. Lovely pictures and a lovely way to bring a bit of green into the house!

  9. How fun to watch them bloom. The photos of them are already beautiful. I can't imagine how pretty they will be when they open. Thanks for linking great bokeh shots!

  10. Your pictures are so pretty. Do you think my neighbors would notice me "trimming" some branches from their Forsythia?

  11. I agree! Check out my post of my forced forsythia. So much fun.

  12. I'm putting this on my to do list in next years calendar.


  13. You take the most beautiful photographs! These photos are stunning.
    ahhhh Spring! I was just telling Dan that I don't know the last time I was sooo excited to see its arrival!


  14. I, too, resorted to forcing forsythia...which has now been blooming for about two weeks and is starting to fall apart. Sadly, I always start a single bundle but have never wised up to the fact that I should start multiple bundles at weekly intervals until spring arrives.

  15. Did you soak them in the tub with warm water to give them a head start or just stick the cut ends in really warm water? It takes a lot of planning to have flowers in the dead of winter. Good show.

  16. I love it when the first forced forsythias spring into bloom in my sitting room. It's a tradition I inherited from my mum, who has done it every year for as long as I remember.

  17. Great photos you caught of the buds. Sure screams spring is near.

    Goldenray Yorkies


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