
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Something Special From 'Crazy As A Loom'

I found Hilary and her blog 'Crazy as a Loom' through someone's blog roll a while ago.  I am in love with her handwoven rugs, and I fell REALLY hard for one rug in particular.  This beautiful rug was made by washing and disassembling a damaged antique rag rug, and reweaving the fabric strips into a new rug. I placed my order on Sunday, and my rug arrived in the mail today.

I love it!!!  (and so does Alice).

Thank you, Hilary!  I am thrilled.


  1. Oh, I just love this!! Love the colors!..and alice is such a beauty.

    I have a jeans rug from Hilary, she is so creative.

  2. I will visit her blog today. I love that rug and Alice looks very happy on there!

  3. Well, Alice, you are a beauty!!! And I love your rug. :)

    And I love old roses........a LOT.
    So maybe there could be some swappage in our futures!!!!

  4. I love 'rag' rugs, and this one is wonderful...going to her website now!
    Alice has certainly grown to be a gorgeous kitty!

  5. What a beautiful rug and so lovingly made makes it all the more special. Isn't it funny how our cats love to sit on something new. Everytime I spread fabric out on the floor to cut something out, they want to be right in the middle of it. Maybe it's there way of welcoming it into the home.

  6. This is a beautiful rug. My mother used to braid rugs, so I now how long it takes. These become heirlooms. Your kitty finds it a warm place to lay.

  7. Connie, I just faved your blog on Blotanical and wanted to let you know. You may have gotten an email and were not sure what it meant. Take a look. My plot in Blotanical now has your blog pictured. Fun huh?

  8. Kitty's seem to always want to be in the limelight , don't they? And they love new things. Pretty.


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