
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Flowers on Friday ... Beautiful Rose Clusters

I worked most of today, getting ready for the plant sale this weekend in Richmond.  There are so many things to remember to do ... taking the roses on the road is quite an undertaking.  Early this morning, after I made my To Do list, I picked up my camera and set out for the garden.  The roses were calling.

Hybrid Musk, 1922

'Bubble Bath'
Hybrid Musk, 1980

I kept thinking ... All work and no play ... you know how it goes. 

'Friends Forever'
Shrub, 2001

"Darlow's Enigma"
Hybrid Musk, found rose

As I walked the garden, the roses that called to me most were the clusters.

'Princesse de Nassau'
Noisette, 1829

'Alister Stella Gray'
Noisette, 1894

Most of these roses smell so good!!  I wish I could send you the fragrance.

"Caldwell Pink"
Polyantha, found rose

'Alba Meideland'
Climber, 1986

I'll be out bright and early tomorrow morning, loading the truck with roses and supplies for the plant sale.  I hope I haven't forgotten anything important.

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog.)