
Friday, August 13, 2010

Flowers on Friday ... Sunny Yellow Roses

Many of the yellow roses in the garden are blooming quite nicely right now. 

Detail of 'Zeus'
(Climber, introduced in 1959)

Seedling MR08/2

This is one of my Hollywood Cemetery 'mama rose' seedlings from 2008 that I am evaluating.  Like human children within the same family, seedlings are hybrids and they show traits from each of their parents, but they are usually different from each other in some degree.  A individuals in a batch of seedlings can vary quite dramatically ... the hope being that one or two of the babies is special enough to introduce to the market.

Seedling P08/1

This little beauty came from a seed I harvested from 'Peace'.  It had quite a bit of mildew earlier in the year, but it is spotless now.

'Freedom', a Hybrid Tea introduced in 1984, has been blooming almost non-stop since it arrived here in June.

'Gift of Life' is a little-known Hybrid Tea, introduced in 1999 by Edmonds Roses.  I think I remember something about a portion of the profits from this rose going to a charity.

The miniatures, still in their one-gallon pots because it's been too hot to do any prep work on their new garden by the barn, are blooming like crazy.  This is 'Gold Coin'.  The plant is barely 6" tall right now, the flowers are 3/4" across, and it's been blooming for a solid month!

The flowers on 'Woodstock' , another teeny mini, start out canary yellow, and the outer petals take on a reddish cast as they age.  Ralph Moore, the hybridizer, said that this rose is named for the bird in "Peanuts" comic strip, not the famous music festival in New York.

This miniature is 'Yellow Doll'.  I love the teeny, shaggy flowers!

The flowers on 'Fiesta Gold' sometimes look like little bitty dahlias.

I'll finish this morning with another view of 'Zeus'.  I love this color yellow!!!  This perfect flower is on one of the potted roses in the nursery, if you can believe it.  It's fully 4 inches across!  It sort of looks like a water lily, doesn't it?

We had two thunderstorms last night, with torrential amounts of rain.  This morning, it's been raining on and off.  It's a day for inside projects ... I have a million of 'em.

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog)