
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday Wanderings (My 200th Post!)

I am working on a new program, to present to a couple of rose societies and garden clubs next year.  My subject (I think) will be Roses in Cemeteries.  It's a subject that's near and dear to me, and one that I think my audience will enjoy.

Today's weather was beautiful!!!  I decided to take my camera and go to Warrenton (about 45 minutes from here) to photograph some roses in the Warrenton Cemetery.  Most of the roses were suffering from our recent heat and lack of rain.  This pink one is in a spot that gets afternoon shade, so it is in pretty good condition.

I spent about an hour and a half in the cemetery, planning the photos I would need for my program.  It was wonderfully cool and breezy (temps only around 80 degrees), so I took my time and enjoyed my stay.  (Look at that blue sky!)

After I finished at the cemetery, I had a wild hare idea ... Warrenton is only about an hour from Lucketts (with one of the BEST junk/antique/decorator stores EVER).  I had time, so I hopped in the Jeep and headed that direction.

I love this store!!  While I was there I found the perfect step-back cupboard for our basement bathroom renovation.  I had planned to build one myself, but this one is perfect (and the price was less than materials would have been), so I bought it on the spot.

It's too big to fit into the Jeep.  I maybe could have forced it ... but I can't do that to my new car.  Not yet.  I've only had it for three weeks.  The husband and I will go back to get it with the pick-up on Saturday. 

This cupboard is the last piece of the puzzle that is our basement bathroom.  I will show you the finished product real soon ... I promise.

(Written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog.)


  1. I found a hutch yesterday that I want for my kitchen... great price but no way will it fit in the back of my Pathfinder. Tempted to call and see if they deliver because it would be worth it for the low price on the hutch.

    Love the white cabinet!


  2. Happy.... happy....well, happy 200th post. You do an incredible job. The photography, your ability and willingness to explain events and processes in your life, and your candor and honesty make this a delightfully appealing blog. Chris

  3. I cant believe that this is your favorite store too! Stephen took me there as a surprise for our anniversary one year cause he had heard my dad saying how much i loved it! Ive never been able to walk away empty handed...

  4. Love that hutch! I think roses in a cemetery are beautiful. Happy 200th post! That is great, big Congrats!!

  5. Congratulations on your 200th post!
    I enjoy your photos and words.
    Very nice cabinet-can't wait to see what you do with it!

    A beautiful mild day here with low humidity!

  6. I'm quite envious of 80 degrees and Lucketts Store! Congrats on 200 and that cupboard!

  7. Oh Connie!!!! I want to go to LUCKETTS!!!! And you have snagged an awesome piece, congratulations.

  8. Fantastic cabinet. I'm a little jealous!

  9. I love the old grave stone. It is beautiful and touching.

    And what a lot of fun places other people have near by! Cute shop.


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