
Monday, June 28, 2010

Propagation Time

All of the roses that I have for sale in the nursery are propagated by me from roses that grow in my garden.  Now is the perfect time for me to take cuttings to root the roses that will be next year's crop.  I set my work table in the driveway in the shade, gather my supplies, and get to it. 

With the heat we have been having for the past two weeks, my most important supply is a big glass of lemonade (homemade, of course).

I trim and score each cutting, and dip it into rooting hormone.

It's important to be sure that everything is accurately labeled, with the name of the rose and the date.

Two cuttings per pot, 36 pots per flat.

Place each flat on the mist bench.

I did 4 flats today.  Sticking cuttings is solitary work, and I enjoy the quiet.  It's not lonely, though.  I had company today.

If you want step-by-step instructions to learn to root your own roses, I have a photo tutorial on my Hartwood Roses web site. 

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog.)


  1. Good thing there are people like you, so people like me can buy them, ready to plant!

  2. How many frogs do you kiss each year while sticking cuttings? LOL He sure is a cute one.


  3. I think having an assistant that works for flies is a smart labor practice!

    And I would love to try and root some day. For now I'll just buy the fruits of your labors!

    Kat :)

  4. You really can tell you love your roses and what you do!!

  5. Canine company perhaps, or the two legged kind?

  6. I find this very interesting. While I was out a few months ago hacking back my shrub roses, a man stopped and showed me how I could root new roses with cuttings from the old. One actually took. I'm amazed each time I see it.

    By the way, your handwriting is beautiful.

  7. You're so cute Connie. Fun post and I like your rrrrrivet, ummmm friend.

    Does your Peggy Martin rebloom much??

  8. What great information! Thanks for sharing.


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