
Friday, June 18, 2010

Flowers on Friday: My First Old Garden Rose ... and a Giveaway.

Portland from Glendora.  This is the rose that started the out-of-control collection that is my rose garden.

In the fall of 2002, two of my garden friends were going to Sherando Roses (outside Waynesboro, Virginia), and they invited me to come along.  I didn't grow roses at the time, because I had almost no sunshine at the house I was living in.  We had just bought this property where I am now, with its 9 acres of sunny old-farm soil, and my friends decided that I should grow roses.

This was Sherando.

I say "was" because the owner retired three years ago and closed the nursery.  It was the loss of Sherando (our only old-rose source in the whole area) that prompted me to open Hartwood Roses ... but I digress.

"Portland from Glendora" was one of three roses that I brought home with me from that first-of-many trips to Sherando.  (The other two were Frau Dagmar Hartopp and R. Eglanteria.)

I noticed "Glendora" blooming in the Rose Field while I was out on my beetle hunt on Wednesday.  This got me distracted (so what else is new) and I started photographing her beautiful pink flowers in the perfect overcast light that afternoon.

"Glendora" is a big girl.  She wants to be about six feet tall, and she supports herself quite nicely.

She is a Portland rose ... a small class of roses developed in the second quarter of the 19th Century.  Like other Portlands, "Glendora" smells WONDERFUL!  She gets a bit of blackspot, so a little fungicide is probably necessary to keep her looking her best.

Now to the Giveaway part of today's post.  One lucky Hartwood Roses reader will win "Portland from Glendora" for their own garden.

To enter, simply post a Comment here and tell me about something in your garden that makes you happy.  No need to become a follower (though I would sincerely appreciate it if you do).

This giveaway will end at 11:00 pm EDT, on Thursday, June 25.  I will announce the winner during Friday Flowers here on June 26.

(Because this is a giveaway for a live plant, there are a few little 'fine print' issues that I have to address. I am not licensed to ship to CA, OR, WA, AZ, AK, HI, or anywhere outside the US.  I have a lovely alternate prize if someone from one of these states is the winner.)

Fertilizer Friday

Remember, I have cancelled tomorrow's on-site nursery hours because I have to go out of town to attend a funeral for a friend who passed away last week.  Regular hours resume on Saturday, June 26th, from 10am - 3pm.

Be sure to visit tomorrow, when I unveil our Family Room for the 'Where Bloggers Create' feature.

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog.)


  1. No contest for me since I have no place for a rose, but I just want to say that it sure is lovely!

    I had no idea that your rose gardens began in 2002. I thought you'd been growing them so much longer. You've really done wonders in such a short time -- very inspiring!


  2. What a beautiful first rose to select! And I'm sorry to hear that Sherando where you once purchased roses is gone, but I'm glad that you picked up where they left off and have so many wonderful roses to offer!

    In my garden I have a little yellow rose, I have no idea what its name is, but it makes me happy. This is the first year it has really taken off and it's been blooming non-stop!

    And of course I follow!!

    Kat :)

  3. What beautiful gardens you have. How splendid of a give-a-way. What makes me happy in my garden is plants that aren't to fussy. And lots of color!

  4. I am not the gardner in my family, my hubby loves growing roses. I love them all but what makes me happiest is the color of the roses and the other flowers he grows (and it helps that I don't have to be the one to go out in this terrible heat to water them).

    I am already a follower - I don't know much about roses but your rose has so many petals on it - it is beautiful.

  5. My first but not my last visit to your lovely blog! Thank you for your comment on my post which led me here! I love Roses but am a new gardner as you can tell. I do have a lovely rose growing in my front yard and I would love to add another one. I am following you and hope to learn much from your Rose expertise! Since I'm a June baby(I just turned 60) I think Roses are something I should finally learn about! Thanks!!

  6. How sad to have lost such a beautiful place as Sherando. So glad you discovered it before it was too late tho.

    Your Roses are gorgeous, and such a generous giveaway! Wish I didn't live in CA, oh well. You will make someone very happy :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  7. Oh, what a gorgeous rose you chose to begin your Rose Journey! I am so happy that you picked up and carried on with the antique roses!
    I will, regretfully, take myself out of this giveaway, since I was fortunate enough to win the New Dawn Rose. It is merrily growing along, new leaves appearing as I type!
    I enjoy the hostas in my front yard, but I really like playing in the dirt out 'back'. Someday I'll get it back into shape, its fun to keep working on it.

  8. The sunflowers and day lilies make me happy. Day lilies grow wild in our yard and they just take over. Lovely roses!

  9. I love the rose you have featured!! Beautiful and the color of pink is one of my favs. What makes me happy in my garden are my hydrangeas and star gazer lilies! I just adore them. What really makes me happy is when hummingbirds visit...I love watching them buzz from flower to flower and feeders. What a lovely giveaway!

    Miss Bloomers

  10. What an Absolutely Beautiful Rose! It's so full, puts me in mind of a Peony :) How Wonderful to grow all those Roses ~
    Something in my garden that makes me happy .....hum
    The best thing I can tell you , if you see my garden then you would understand Why my Garden makes me Happy :) Can't single out one thing, have to take it in its entirety:) Anyway, such a Beautiful give away ~

  11. That is a gorgeous rose - a pity I'm in Canada and can't get it if I win. I have to say I'm loving the roses in my garden - we have 6 different roses (well one if the neighbours rose that leans over and through the fence so we can enjoy it, and we do) and they are looking gorgeous just now. I've cut them and brought them inside and admire them every time I step out the door.

    I'm a follower

  12. What makes me happiest in my garden? The view, of course!
    It's been one cold rotten spring, and I've lost all my canes in the wind. Here's poor old White Rose of York, waiting for next year.

  13. Your roses are truly amazing - love the clors and all the care you shower them with - apparent tht you love them! Paula in Idaho

    oh let's see what makes me happy in my garden - touching nature is increable to me - so grounding and purifying - fills me with joy!

  14. Oh, dang. I'm in AZ and would have loved to win your rose. Beautiful.

  15. Hi Connie,

    What makes me happy about my garden are the memories which grow in it. The roses I rooted from cuttings I took in Robert's garden on our first "cyber date", the roses I grew from seed I collected walking along the Rhine river, lilies which came from my grandmother's garden, just to name a few. I am currently looking out my window at "Sophie's Rose" which was a hand-me-down rose from a garden friend with a small garden who wanted to make room to try other roses. I love it because it is such a bright pink and it shares a name with my faithful dog who has been my companion for 13 years.

    Your pictures of Sherando are beautiful. I miss visiting Randy and his roses very much. I am so happy that you are following in his footsteps and are providing wonderful plants to the gardening community.

    I love reading your posts and do so regularly. But I am not sure how to become a follower.


  16. what makes me happiest in my garden?
    I would have to say the first tiny green shoots popping through the snow,,finally yielding grape hyacinths..a very pretty and welcoming sight that Spring is on her way after such a long, cold winter!!
    warmest sandy hugs..
    a devoted follower..

  17. My garden is my sanctuary and it feeds my soul. I belive that is it where I do my creativity best.
    I don't know that that beautiful rose will grow here(I am zone 4) but it is sure beautiful.


  18. Glendora is glorious-- your photos, though, remind me very much of Maggie, one of my favorites. I have a hard time growing her though. I love that Glendora introduced you to the path of rose love. You say you digress-- I'd like you to digress more.

    I love your rose photos!

  19. Another great post as usual. Love to read your posts. This post was great as it allowed us to see the garden and the roses that got you started. Now to answer you question..What make me happy in my garden? That has to be the tranquility of it. I may live in the city and my garden is the size of a postage stamp, but somehow when I am out there with the roses, I can shut out all the outside noise and just hear the bird and enjoy the roses.


  20. Oh heavens...I'm so happy that I happened upon your blog this evening! Certainly not because I need another rose plant as I have about 24 that I adore, (though can you ever have enough roses?) but because I just love to read about them outside of a catalog and coming from someone that obviously adores them as well! You have a lovely place here and I look forward to following along...

  21. What makes me happy in my garden? Just to be able to get up in the morning and be able to walk to my garden savoring every detail of my plants and flowers is a Blessing. Each flower or rose in all its glory is an expression of the Divine. To see such beauty reminds me daily of our connection with the Infinite.

    Malibu Rose

  22. I just found your blog recently and am following it. Love your posts.

    What makes me happy in my garden?
    Well, just walking around and seeing what is blooming. Watching the butterflies, birds and bees. Once in a while I will see a hummingbird.
    Life is good.


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