
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Some Roses in the Lynchburg Old City Cemetery

In yesterday's post, I hinted about the wonderful roses I saw and photographed on Wednesday afternoon when I arrived at the Cemetery in Lynchburg.  For this week's edition of Friday Flowers, here are some of them for you to enjoy.  (The bright sunshine made some flowers look fabulous, and others look electric and gaudy.  Overall, I'm pretty pleased.)

Belle Amour



La Marne

Sarah Van Fleet

Striped Moss (and a friend)

New Dawn

Tuscany is really Chianti red, not this electric magenta.  For some reason, tho, I kinda like it.


Zephirine Drouhin, with Mutabilis in the background.

... and another view of Zephirine Drouhin.

My presentation today went really well.  Believe it or not, there were no glitches with my laptop or the projector.  It sure didn't feel like I talked for a full two hours.  Everyone listened intently and asked really good questions.  I think we all left there having learned something new. 

Guess where I'm taking my mom on Saturday?

Today's program was the preliminary event of the Cemetery's Rose Festival.  Saturday, there will be rose sales, tours, demonstrations, and much more.

Will I see any of you there?