
Friday, April 23, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen .... We Have Roses!! and a Giveaway!

Rose season opened this year with a single flower on three China roses ... Climbing Old Blush, Mableton Rouletii, and Climbing Pompon de Paris.

It was a long winter, and these flowers are long-anticipated, and very satisfying.  Just looking at their little selves makes me feel happy.  I think an appropriate way to celebrate would be to share this feeling, and give a rose to a lucky reader, don't you think? 

Which rose, you ask?  One of my favorites, of course ...

New Dawn

New Dawn is a classic.  It has been a super-star in gardens ever since it was introduced in 1930.

This rose is everything that I love most about roses.

It's a climber.

It's a beautiful shade of pale pink.

and, most importantly, it's FRAGRANT!

My New Dawn is trained onto the fence with my French ramblers.  She no longer fits into the garden plan in that spot, so she must move later this year.  In preparation for her move, I cut her back pretty drastically last year and pruned her roots.  She won't look quite her best this year because of this.

She's a tough old thing, and I know she'll come through her move just fine.  It will be better for her in the long run, because I plan to give her a premium spot by the nursery cottage where she can show visitors how lovely she is.

New Dawn on the wall at Chatham.

Enter this Giveaway, and you may win a baby New Dawn for your own Garden. 

You can have 3 chances to win.

1. Post a Comment to tell me what you'd like to see featured on my blog in the future or what you've enjoyed so far.  Rose season is here, I still have a few house projects under way, and there's SO much I can show you.  Be sure you leave an email address, so I can notify you if you win.

 2. For a SECOND chance, Become a Follower. All followers will be registered for a second chance. If you aren't already a follower, you can go take care of that right now ...I'll wait.  (edited to add:  I installed the Followers widget on the bottom of my sidebar.  I had resisted doing this, but it looks like this should be an easier way for you to follow.)

 3. For a THIRD chance, Post A Link to this Giveaway on your own blog, or Facebook, or Twitter. Be sure to come back and leave a comment to let me know you've posted so that I can add your name for a third chance to win.

This drawing will be open until 8:00 pm, Friday, April 30.

(Because this is a giveaway for a live plant, there are a few little 'fine print' issues that I have to address.  I am not licensed to ship to CA, OR, WA, AZ, AK, HI, or anywhere outside the US.  I have an alternate prize if someone from one of these states wins.) 

(Welcome, to visitors from Tootsie Time's Fertilizer Friday.)

I appreciate every one of you who takes the time out of your day to read what I write here.  I hope you have learned a few things along the way, and that you will come back often.  This little blog of mine is SO much fun to do, and I hope you enjoy it too. 

This giveaway is now closed.

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog)


  1. That's a very beautiful rose. Count me in. But I can't find your follower button.

  2. Just posted a comment on my facebook!

  3. I love the New Dawn climber - its the one I hope to order from you soon. I just love pink roses! Your pictures are stunning!

  4. New Dawn is just gorgeous! Dawg gone it, I'm in CA. Oh well ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  5. aloha,

    its raining today so seeing all the garden blooms are a nice thing to do with a hot cup of coffee.

    thats a beautiful rose and i love it against that gorgeous wall and more of those types of stories or other garden tours.

  6. Rosie, the Follower button should show up at the top of the blog page after you sign into Blogger. That's how it is for me.

    Deb, there's a lovely alternate gift for residents in areas where I'm not permitted to ship plants.

    Noel, you'll love what I have planned for next week. hint, hint.


  7. My first roses bloomed last week, it was Caramba and Pat Austin. The others are still holding. I really enjoyed seeing the pics in the previous posts of before and after.

  8. I am happy to have found you because I LOVE roses but don't know much!! Your New Dawn is just like the ones I see in the pictures. I would like a post of how you keep away thrips and black spot with specific remedies and names and amounts of what ever you use.

    Otherwise...just more roses!

    I will link to you but couldn't find your follower thng.

  9. Beautiful photo's, love New dawn


  10. Beautiful photos. I would love to learn more about caring for roses and what roses are easy to grow.

  11. Connie

    Rose give away is a great idea and a great way to feature such great roses.

    Liz M

  12. This is Chrisi and You have already given me a 'New Dawn' rose at the lewis ginter show this past fall (which will be growing on my fence), but i would be much happier a girl if i had one to grow up the side of my house as well!

    The thing i love to see most on your blog is the photos of your property and gardens... And i also loved seeing into your house, because as many times as ive driven by, i have yet to make it inside:)

    I will post a link to this on my own blog now!
    Have a great day connie!

  13. What a beautiful giveaway! You know how I love roses and a baby new Dawn would be perfect! I will tweet about this and post it, when I'm back at home tonight!

    And keep on doing just what you are doing with your blog, I love it as it is!

    Kat :)

  14. I'm brand new to this blog, and thankfully found you through Christina's blog, The Oak Leaves. So glad she sent me here! I would love to take a shot at winning this rose. Gorgeous! I posted your giveaway on my own blog, too. I'm feeling lucky!

  15. Hello! I discovered your blog this morning, and spent a delightful time reading the entire thing! (Instead of working on my statistics paper that is due.) :-) Thank you so much for sharing your garden and home with us. I moved from Kansas, where I had a rose garden of about 45 roses, to New York City, where I have a teensy balcony, in August. I've been going through massive garden withdrawal! Your blog was a treat. On that note, I don't have a space for a New Dawn (and I have 3 planted at my house in Kansas.) Give my space in the drawing to someone who can plant it! :-) i look forward to reading more. . .

  16. Just loved your house post-itsbeaitiful , like two houses in one-I'd love to read about over wintering roses, especially climbers-I'm going to click the follower button after I click this!

  17. well...U sold me! I am off to the garden center to find one of these for me! I hope they have a hardy version for me!
    thanks for linking in this week. I am sorry it took so long to get over here and see...I just can't seem to get to the end of the busy around here these days! I do hope you will link in again...I have enjoyed my visit!on!!!
    Your glorious roses are always just such a welcome addition to Fertilizer Friday!

  18. I've really been enjoying your before and after pictures of your gorgeous house. Can't wait to see more roses! xo, suzy

  19. I'm already a follower... and I want to talk to you about placing a rose garden in the right spot at This Old House. New Dawn would be a perfect edition, color and meaning! I'm looking forward to Tips for new rose gardeners.

  20. Oh, gosh! You're living my life! How did I end up in this office every day? I love everything you post -- the house, the gardens, the business info, the ROSES! If I had my dream nursery, I think I'd only grow/sell pink roses. They're my favorite, however I don't have New Dawn. I can't remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but I'm glad I did. Thanks for all the entertainment. I'd love to see more photos of roses used in the landscape. I can never picture how things will look once those vigorous antique roses mature. I'm frequently planting too close to structures, etc. Oh, and I love before and afters of your DIY projects, both inside and outside the house.

  21. I hope I haven't missed the drawing.
    I would love a New Dawn rose.
    I am now going to be a follower-
    I would love to read anything about roses-
    you decide!

    I posted today about a great organic rose food.

    White Spray Paint

  22. Oh my just found out about your giveaway! I had a new dawn rose at our home in NM and it was gorgeous! Would love to try and grow one here in Colorado!!

    Just came across you blog and am going back to become a follower. I just love hearing about other gardens and their tips and looking at the gardens-

    bee blessed

  23. Connie

    Beautiful picture of New Dawn! This time of year is great. Sophy's Rose was the first in my garden to bloom, followed by Lovestruck and LĂ©onie Lamesch. I am currently getting everything ready for the TRS Celebration of Roses in May during our normal meeting.

    Till Later, Liz


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