
Friday, April 2, 2010

Flowers on Friday ... Daffodils!

Spring has finally, officially arrived ... and the daffodils this year are glorious.  Sadly, the unseasonably warm temperatures we have now will shorten their bloom time considerably.  It's wonderful to work outside in shirt sleeves, but depressing to watch the heat turn the flowers all crispy.

When we bought this house in 2002, the only flowers on the whole property were the daffodils planted along the outside of our fence by the road.  I have supplemented these with bulbs that I bought (and ones that I rescued), and the show is pretty spectacular.

I'm sure the people in the cars passing by yesterday morning were entertained ... as I was all over the ground with my camera, trying to get just the right angle for each photo.

I knew that I had to get out there with my camera early, before the crisping process got under way later in the day.  Fortunately, daffodils look their best on camera with the sun is blazing.  I didn't have to wait for a diffused, more complementary light ... because daffs look good in any light.

Happy Daffodil Season, Everyone!

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog)