
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Not-So-Subtle Signs of Spring.

The rain stopped late last night, and the clouds parted this morning.  Look what I found when I went out for a walk this afternoon.


The hellebores in the shade bed are just beginning to open buds. 

Here's another sure sign of spring.  This deer print in the Rose Field was really big -- as big as I've ever seen here. There was a set of smaller prints nearby, too.

Speaking of the Rose Field, here is the what it looks like now.


Take a closer look, and this is what you see:

Saturday is officially the first day of spring ... I'm so glad.

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog)


  1. It can't come soon enough. Our crocus and daffodils are beginning to poke out and the sun has returned. I can breath again :-)

  2. Yeah Spring! Bring it on, I'm so ready! And that is a huge deer print!

    Kat :)

  3. Hellebores are one of my very favorites! My Ivory prince hellebores have a ton of buds but none are opened yet... my deep purples are too young to flower yet... i cant wait for that!

  4. I love freckled Hellebores. Let's hope winter is on its way out.

  5. Those Hellebores are lovely. So far March has been on the side of spring-like, which is so welcome after this cold wet winter.


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