
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's Check on the Stuff in the Greenhouse.

My thermometer on the back deck says that it's 45 degrees outside ... but it's 75 degrees inside the greenhouse.  (almost T-shirt weather)

This is the time when I begin to find out whether the cuttings in the greenhouse are going to root or not.  They've been sitting on the bench under the mist line since October or November.

I check the cuttings once a week, culling the dead ones, moving the ones that have rooted, and rearranging the ones that don't yet show roots.  I'm averaging about a 50% success rate right now ... not too bad, considering it's winter. 

(Madame Plantier)

There are some varieties that I haven't been able root at all.  Other varieties grow roots on every cutting I stick.  Most are somewhere in the middle.

(Portland from Glendora)

I root my cuttings in 2 1/2" clear orchid pots.  This allows me to see the roots as they form, instead of having to guess whether a cutting has rooted

(Rose de Rescht)

I have read that roots need darkness in order to grow.  This is obviously not true, because I have rooted thousands of cuttings in these pots.

(Cato's Cluster)

After I finished sorting the cuttings, I made an up-to-date inventory of all the roses that have rooted.  This will help me get a head start on the photos and descriptions for the web site this spring.

(Cl. Pompon de Paris)

There are a lot of things that can go wrong with propagation ... and I am always amazed that one can take a green stick, convince it to grow roots and become a rose bush. 

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog)


  1. I loved reading about this today, as I did not know how it is done. Great idea using the clear pots to view what is taking root!

  2. Hi Connie

    I'm wondering which of these babies will be coming home with me! I tried to do some early shopping but I can't read the tags in the photo

  3. The clear pots are not an original idea ... I have a rose friend to thank for turning me onto these. I love the 'instant gratification' aspect of them. When the roots grow, they're visible. (If you want to see how I prepare the cuttings, go to the Hartwood Roses web site and click on the How To tab.)

    Maureen, I'm sure we can find something in this new batch that you can't live without. See you this spring!

    ... Connie


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