
Friday, November 6, 2009

Flowers on Friday

With the cooler temps the past few nights, I am beginning to see fewer flowers on the roses in the garden.  I'm still outside with my camera most days taking photographs, most of which have a distinct flavor of fall. 

(Gentle Persuasion, Buck Rose, 1984)

(Trinket, Miniature rose, 1965)

I am making really good progress on my quest to get at least one good photo of each of the roses here.  These next ones are some more of the miniatures that I've never photographed before.  The flowers on these are about the size of a quarter.

(Sungold, Miniature rose, 1983)

(Honeycomb, Miniature rose, 1974)

The rest of these are some of my favorites from this week and last week. 

(Monsieur Tillier, Tea rose, 1891)

(Gloire des Rosomanes, China rose, 1825)

(White Pet, Polyantha, 1879)

(Safrano, Tea rose, 1839)

(Haywood Hall, Noisette, found rose)

(Comtesse de Segur, Hybrid Tea, 1994)

(Rose de Rescht, Portland, bef. 1900)

(Jeanne Lajoie, Miniature Climber, 1976)

(Hips on Applejack, Buck rose, 1973)

More flowers next Friday.  Have a nice weekend!

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog)