
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Playing Outside, Part 2 ...

When we last left the job of working on the climbing roses on the structure that we call The Arcade, it was 10am yesterday, the roses were severely pruned (poor, neglected roses) and they were ready to be weeded and have fresh mulch added to the bed.

After a short break, I made quick work of pulling the weeds.  Then, I gathered my tools and laid landscape fabric on the half of the bed where there wasn't any (the formerly-weedy portion of the bed).  

It was at this point that my husband had to make a quick trip downtown.  I asked him to please take my truck and pick up some mulch for me while he was out.  (We have to go right past the mulch place whenever we go just about anywhere from here.)  A little while later, as if by magic... we have two yards of mulch in the truck!

I got right to work, hoping to have the bed all mulched by the time I quit work for the day.  Alas, I could only get about 2/3 of the part of the bed with the landscape fabric done ... I worked too hard for too long and I hit the wall.

I put my stuff away and I crept up to the house.  My hands and my shoulders and my legs hurt, and I was so tired.  My sweet husband met me when I came in the door, I told him that I was too wiped out to finish, and he said, "I'll do it for you" ... and he did!

This is what The Arcade looks like right now ... roses are pruned, weeds are gone, and it's all topped with a freshly applied layer of mulch.  I'm still sore today, but not too bad, so I've been taking it easy and working on a few other things.  I will share these with you another day.


  1. OH.MY! Between the two of you, that job is wiped out and the results are fantastic!

  2. Hi Connie, your rose arcade looks pretty darn good :-! You pruned the climbing roses very severely, but that certainly tidied them up. The mulch gives such a nice finish. Are you intending to plant some companion plants at the feet of the roses? I hope you will share photos when the climbers are in bloom. Happy spring to you!

  3. Wow, it looks great, job well done! Now all you have to do is wait for those gorgeous roses to come into bloom. I know the feeling of being totally puffed out. I spent a day in the garden, digging etc and was totally wiped out by the end of it, but it was all worthwhile. take care, Maryann

  4. Oh my! My forearms hurt just thinking about it.

    My remedy is Advil, a hot shower, and Absorbine Junior!

  5. Connie, you have to take a picture of The Arcade when the roses bloom. I bet it's really pretty. Christa

  6. The friend connect button does not work but I am happy I've found your blog. I am so currious to see how your roses will look later in the year. Have a wonderful day.
    Greatings Marijke

  7. What a job, a hard one, started by one and finished by another one. A great team and a great completed job.

    I hope you feel less sore today.


  8. Great to have you visit, Marijke! I hope to show many more posts about roses as the season progresses. (I wonder if your problem with the Friend Connect button is because you are connected to Google+? I know that makes your comments come to me without an email address to reply to ... perhaps that also interferes with the FC process?)

  9. It looks great! It's wonderful to have such a great partner to volunteer to finish the project. I can't wait to see The Arcade when the roses are in bloom :)

  10. Ugh, I know how much work that is and I don't envy you, but your Arcade will be bursting with rose blooms soon!

  11. It is interesting how a fresh layer of mulch is like a fresh coat of paint. They both serve to tidy things up.

  12. Wow, it looks terrific. I hope you'll share the "arcade" once the roses have leafed out and are in bloom.
    Good job!

  13. I love your posts: so inspirational. Your rose arcade looks beautiful - please show us blooming pics this summer. Do you have deer in your area and how you keep them out of/away from your roses? Are your dogs enough?

  14. We have deer, but not as many as some people are plagued with. Long ago, I made peace with sharing my garden with the critters who share it with me. The deer eat sometimes, but the bunnies are more of a problem this year. My new miniatures will be getting wire cages to keep the bunnies away.


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