
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Afternoon Snack

The photo below is to share with you what I did when the munchies ambushed me earlier this afternoon.

Girl Scout Trefoil cookies
with Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter (thank you, Karen!)
and Apricot preserves,
and a cup of Constant Comment tea.



  1. Mmm! Looks good! Is it Girl Scout cookie time again? I hope to see them outside our superstore so I can get some!

  2. Looks I want some Girl Scout cookies!!! LOL

  3. That looks very good! I haven't looked for Karen's peanut butter which is probably just as well. LOL

  4. Isn't that stuff THE BOMB???.... Love your snack choices by the way.

  5. That looks good! I just got a new supply of Constant Comment. Wish I had the cookies, now!~Hugs, Patti

  6. OH MY! I could OD on that! xo Diana

  7. Girl...SHUT UP!!!!!!!

    I could eat a whole box of Trefoils!!!!! Not that I would..but I COULD!

    Constant Comment is my all time favorite teas..why was I not invited to this tea party????

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  8. Those Girl Scouts really wrecked my diet this week! Those girls were standing it in front of my grocery store luring customers over to the table loaded with cookies. I bought six boxes, intending to put most in the freezer. There is one box left!

  9. boy, that is some snack!!! That's why I don't buy Girl Scout cookies...I can eat a whole box by myself!!!


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